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Kore's Angel: Angel Shifters

  Table of Contents

  Kore’s Angel



  Other books by the author

  Reviews and where to find me

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Connect with me

  Kore’s Angel


  Serena Simpson


  I want to say thank you to my daughter. I always say that, but she lives with my peculiar brand of crazy. She follows me down the rabbit holes or waits for me to surface and then smiles at me. We all have a reason to go on, and she’s mine.

  Now I want to say thank you to my fans and the readers of my books, without you there wouldn’t be a book. Each one of you means a lot to me. Thank you!


  Kore’s Angel – Angel Mates - Copyright © October 2016, Serena Simpson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  Cover Art by Daniela

  Edited by Keriann McKenna

  Published by Ashlin Abbey Publishing, LLC

  Love Me Harder Series

  Aran Book 1

  Niko Book 2

  Sergey Book 3

  Nicolas Book 4

  Hale Book 5

  Alexei Book 6

  Ash Book 7

  The A’rouk Brothers

  Mick Book 1

  Alien Mates Series

  Soul-Bonded to the Alien Book 1

  Rylan’s Heart Book 2

  Gabe’s Destiny Book 3

  Colun’s Passion Book 4

  Joaquin’s Saving Grace Book 5

  Dragon Mates Series

  Alexa’s Dragon Book 1

  Shifters on the Run

  Tane’s Mate Book 1

  Reviews and where to find me

  Once you’ve read Kore’s Angel you can leave a review on Amazon. All reviews are appreciated.

  You can find me on my website.

  I’m also available on Twitter @serena789books

  You can also find me on Facebook

  Join my mailing list

  Look for me I’m happy to connect with all.

  Chapter One

  Eden pushed up through the heavy layers of black fog coating her mind. She was sick her body whispered as it tried to get her to lie back down and forget the challenge of waking up. She pushed harder. There was a niggling at the back of her head telling her everything wasn’t okay.

  You’re dying her helpful body whispered to her.

  Fine, but she wanted to wake up before she took her last breath. Where was the light? Her hand slowly reached outside the cover. When had her cover become so thick she could barely move with the weight of it holding her frail body down? With an effort, she turned on her side and allowed her hand to reach for the lamp. When she saw only echoes of light, she realized her eyes were closed.

  She opened them only to be confused. What was she doing in her grandparent’s room? Immediately she felt remorse at the thought. She loved her grandparents but as they got older they retired to this room almost never leaving it. In her young mind, this room became synonymous with the word death. Even now at the age of twenty-eight, this room sent chills down her spine.

  She looked around wondering where her fiancé was. Marcus Keller was the bright light in her life. That niggling started again making her already chilled body shiver. She started dating Marcus several months before her parents died. Her father never liked him, but he wanted his baby girl to be happy.

  She was happy with Marcus, wasn’t she? Using a little of the precious energy she had left, she managed to slide the heavy covers off of her. Her breathing became immediately better now that her chest wasn’t trying to lift the covers as it moved up to provide her air.

  Her grandparent's bed was a big four-poster monstrosity that made her feel like it was waiting to swallow her alive. Why was she in their room? Why wasn’t she in her wing? This was the family mansion; it spanned over 50 thousand square feet and was much too big for a single family. She had been planning to move, find herself something cozy maybe three or four thousand square feet, then her parents died. Suddenly she didn’t want to give up the only connection she had left with them.

  Why wasn’t she in her room? Eden worked her way down to the bottom of the bed and grabbed onto one of the thick posts. It was the only thing that kept her from dropping like a rock to the floor. Her legs were so weak there was no way she was going to be able to walk.

  One look down at herself made her frown. She was wearing a large, long white gown. She knew for a fact that she didn’t own anything like this. Could it have been her grandmothers? Was someone working on her fear of death by dressing her like this and placing her in this room?

  That didn’t make any sense. The only one who knew how scared she was to sleep in here was Marcus, and he loved her. Right?

  Of course he did. Reaching down she grabbed the nightgown by the hem and brought it up over her body. With all the energy she was expending she might not make it to the door, but she wanted to see her fiancé. It felt like forever since she had last seen him. Carefully she lowered herself to the floor and began to crawl to the door.

  She was wearing a black bra and a black thong. She wasn’t all that sure that either of them was clean, but she didn’t have a choice, for now, she would have to keep them on. Her heart rate increased as her breathing became shallow, but she still crawled.

  The first time she showed signs of illness was in public. She had faltered almost falling on her face, but Marcus was there to catch her. He was the golden boy and her personal hero. He swooped her up in his strong arms and told her everything would be okay as he kissed her before the flashing lights of the cameras.

  She had gone to every doctor imaginable and he was always at her side, but they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. Eventually, she stopped going. How much time did she have left? She didn’t know, but she wanted to spend it in the arms of her beloved.

  Clutching the leg of the chair sitting by the door she pulled herself up. On the back of the chair was a t-shirt. She smiled because it belonged to her. In big bold letters it read ‘What the “F” you looking at?’ Her dad hated the shirt, but she loved it. Most days it was how she felt when people examined her life like she was living in a fish bowl.

  She slipped it over her head and reached out to turn the door handle before she carefully made her way back to the floor. Her mind was a little better now, and she could think. When it became inevitable that she would die, she told them to stop giving her the medicine. She wanted to be as clear-headed as possible in the end. So why did she have foggy memorie
s of people giving her medicine when she was asleep?

  Nothing made sense; she needed the loving arms of Marcus. He would explain everything and make her feel better. The memory of her trying to escape his touch came to mind, stopping her as she exited her grandparent's room. Why would she fight her fiancé? Once again her mind clouded, refusing to allow her to see what happened.

  Forcing herself to move, she started crawling down the hallway until she saw a light on in her grandparent’s library. No one should be in there. She forced herself to continue to move until she reached the door. She was exhausted; her body collapsed onto the heavily carpeted floor before she could open the door and announce her presence. Marcus’s deep voice emerged from the room. As soon as she regained some of her strength, she would push the door open. He would see her and pick her up, cuddling her to his body. He’d place gentle kisses on her lips and tell her everything would be okay.

  That thought allowed her to lie in perfect contentment as she listened to him talk.

  “She asked for her lawyer to come Friday,” Marcus said to the male she couldn’t see.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why? We can bring our lawyer. She’s so far gone she’ll never know.

  That way she can sign her money over to me.”

  “You’re not thinking. If Eden dies without marrying you, that Will will be contested in court by some cousin who just happened to pop out of the woodwork. You need to marry her before she sees a lawyer and then kill her.”

  “Once I’m married to her why does she have to die? She’s a nice person. Too nice for her own good. I will have the money pay off my debts, and everyone will be happy.”

  “What happens the next time you rack up close to a million dollars in gambling debts? Will she love you enough to cover the markers for you? If she doesn’t you’ll be meeting Killer on a dark street and that’s not his nickname because it’s what his mom used to call him. It’s her or you, but somebody is going to die.”

  “I got it.”

  Was he going to kill her? For money? That didn’t make sense; he was rich maybe richer than her. Even if he racked up a million dollars in debt, he could cover it with his eyes closed. He was worth billions. Maybe she should confront him?

  Are you crazy? Yes, I am because I’m talking to myself. He’s going to kill us; I don’t know about you, but I want to live. Dad was right; he is shady.

  Of course, her dad was right, but he wasn’t here to save her. She took in a deep breath and backed away from the library. She needed to get to the little room right off the kitchen. She doubted she would make it. Her grandparent’s suite wasn’t close to where she needed to go.

  You can do this. That’s what she whispered over and over again to herself, even when she went down the steps like a baby half falling half rolling. Then she prayed no one would hear her. She was bruised and hurting by the time she made it to the kitchen, but she made it. She crawled through the kitchen never turning on a light until she got to the small room off the pantry. It was her “Oh shit room or hell has just broke room.” She and her dad had named it together, but they hadn’t agreed on the name, so it became both.

  In this room was a purse with more money than most people would ever see at one time. Her father always said what’s the use of having money if you couldn’t get your hands on it when you need it? She missed her dad and his way of thinking. There were two sets of car keys in her purse along with her license. She also had clothes for emergencies hidden away. It was December; she didn’t know what day but she did know what month it was.

  She pulled on a pair of jeans, boots, and a jacket she had in there.

  She gripped the bench before she pulled herself up. She couldn’t crawl where she had to go. Bracing herself against the walls, she made her way out the side door. She needed strength to get to the utility shed on the other side of the garage. She stumbled until she fell against a snow covered tree. Using the trees that lined the walkway, she was able to make it to the garage, once there she leaned against the side of it inching her way around until the utility garage stood about two feet from where she was. Placing her hands out to try to keep her balance, she walked forward stumbling like she had too much to drink, but she made it without falling into the snow and getter any wetter than she already was.

  When she hit the wall, she looked around. Parked in front of the garage was her car. Why was it out? Marcus must have been driving it. It was a candy apple red Ferrari. If they’re going to stare then give them something to stare at was her personal motto. She slipped into the side door of the utility garage to find her black on black charger because there were times when you didn’t want to be noticed. Carefully she made her way to the car and opened it sliding behind the driver’s seat. She hit the remote for the garage door and started the car.

  She released the parking break and hoped it would coast out. The garage had been built on a hill for times like these. She waited until it slowed down before she turned her baby on. He didn’t make a sound, but when she placed her hand on the dashboard, she could feel him purring like a kitten. Placing the car in gear, she took off hoping no one from the house would miss her before tomorrow.

  Chapter Two

  Eden drove. She got on the closest highway not paying attention to the direction. She could get over five hundred miles before she needed to stop for gas and that was what she was going to do unless she lost control of the car and killed herself first. Roughly seven hours later she pulled into a gas station. She was humming the song “Let it Snow;” the radio was playing nothing but Christmas music, and that was okay with her.

  She walked into the bathroom at the rest stop thankful that it was there. A mother was helping her sleepy daughter wash her hands while another was talking to an excited child.

  “Mom, when will get we to Grandpa and Grandma’s?”

  “We’ll be there in three hours.”

  “Will we spend Christmas with them?”


  “It will be the best Christmas ever.”

  “You're right, baby.”

  The mother looked up and caught Eden’s eyes. She was sad.

  Something had gone wrong in her life just like it had in Eden’s, but she had a reason to go on.

  Eden gave her a small smile before she walked into a stall. Did she have a reason to go on? Her parents were dead and her fiancé, the one who obviously never loved her, only wanted her money. Her shoulders sagged. Tomorrow she would do her cheerleading routine but today she was sad. Life had gotten the better of her, and she was wondering why continue if things were only going to get worse.

  She was washing her hands when her stomach rumbled, and she opened wide to yawn. If she thought she was tired when she got out of the bed it was nothing compared to how she was feeling at that moment. She might have fallen on the floor, but she looked at it first. It was nasty enough to make her walk out no matter how hard it was. All she wanted was to get a bite to eat and get back on the road.

  She wandered into a diner; it was a nice little place for something found on a busy highway. They sold meals in two different ways. You could sit and wait for the waitress to come and take your order or they had a to go line with lots of premade meals. She was standing in line when a shadow caught the corner of her eye. Her heart started to pound; maybe she was mistaken, but she thought she saw Marcus. Leaving the line, she forgot about food and went back to her car.

  She almost fell as she tried to run.

  “Are you okay, miss?” A male hand reached out and steadied her. The smile on his face sent a shiver up her spine as he looked her over and paid close attention to her car. He was tall with dark hair but it was the look in his eyes that bothered her.

  “Yes, thank you.” She moved toward the front door.

  “Be careful miss, the roads are icy, and it would be a shame if your car went over the deep ravine. They wouldn’t find your body before summer.” He turned allowing his coat to gap open so she could
see the gun.

  Eden started to shake as she fumbled getting into the car. His deep laughter followed her as she placed it in gear.

  They found me was all she could think. The Christmas music became so much background noise because she knew she couldn’t run far enough or fast enough to outmaneuver that sleek black car that was following her.

  The highway became a long stretch of nothing but curves that went uphill. She tried to slow down because the roads were treacherous but every time she tried the car behind her hit her. Her heart was pounding, she had to make it. She couldn’t let them kill her; she didn’t want to embrace death today.

  Having no other choice she sped up not knowing that the next turn was so sharp, her car began to spin out of control. She wrestled the wheel determined to stay on the road when she heard a loud sound then her tire blew. Her car was screaming tire pressure, and she was sliding towards the railing that wasn’t going to keep her from going over. There was another loud sound then another tire went. Her car flew over the side of the ravine. She spun over and over acknowledging that there was no way she was going to miss the jagged rocks or the swiftly flowing cold water below. She was dead. Marcus would win in the end.


  “Why do we tolerate humans? They kill their own kind and show no remorse. I think I will kill them, today.”

  “We need them, Rath and you know it.”

  “Why don’t we just cleanse the planet of their presence?”

  “Because genocide in any race is wrong. Also, there are mates among them, would you risk killing them also?”