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Enzo: The Wolves Den: A BBW Scifi/Paranormal Romance Page 12

  “They will help, but if I leave it alone, it will heal.”

  “No, absolutely not. We need to take you to the ER.”

  “Deja I can’t go to the ER, and our healer has gone to ground. I will suffer until they heal or you could suture them for me.”

  Her face paled. “Your serious aren’t you?”

  “I am.” He stood and went to the linen closet. The supplies were in the back of the closet he brought out sterile packages that he used for suturing as well as bottles of disinfectant for wounds.

  “On the ship things would be easier. The healer would use a medi-las to seal the wounds. It hurt but the repair process was almost instantaneous. On Earth, we can’t use those modern conveniences.”

  “Why?” She put on a pair of gloves and got the needle and thread ready. It was days like this she was happy her mother taught her how to sew.

  “The medi-las gives off a signal that your military has become adept at picking up. We banned the use it some time ago. The negative ramifications outweigh the benefits.”

  “Every time you use it the government gets a step closer to your location.”


  “This is going to hurt.”

  “I know,” His hand came up to caress her face. “Do it.”

  It took several deep breaths before she could stop her hands from shaking. She channeled every scene she ever saw on television of someone being sewed up and went to work.

  “Will you do me next?”

  Ven had walked to the bathroom door on silent feet. She hadn’t even heard him come in. He pulled up his pants leg to show her several large gashes that were seeping blood.

  “You're next.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment and gave thanks for the fact that she had her makeshift family for one more day.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Deja was sitting in The Wolves’ Den; the interviews were set to start at one, and now it was one-thirty. When Declyn heard about what she did, he looked at her then walked away, came back to look at her again, and then called Enzo to follow him. She could hear the loud voices and knew that Enzo was catching flack for what she did. That didn’t stop her. Things needed to change for these males, and she was determined to help that change happen.

  Maybe this wasn’t the way. She checked her phone for the hundredth time before she decided that maybe it was time to admit defeat. It was two, and not one potential employee male or female had walked through that door. Declyn could be right, maybe Deja was one in a million, but she didn’t feel that way. Closing her phone with her interview questions on it, she prepared to find Enzo.

  “Hello?” The voice came from the doorway. There was a woman standing there looking uncertain of herself.

  “Hi, welcome to The Wolves’ Den.” Deja caught the slight opening of the office door which meant that Enzo and Declyn had come out but were both blending into the background so the female wouldn’t see them.

  “Come on over, take a seat you’re the first to show up. I’m Deja.”

  “I’m Jessie,” the female walked over to shake her hand. Jessie stood about Deja’s height with porcelain skin, black hair and blue eyes that knew pain. She also possessed an abundance of curves. If looks meant anything, she would do well here.

  “Have a seat.” Deja motioned to the chair with a small intimate table between them. “I have to tell you I was just about to give up.”

  “This may sound strange but getting here was a problem. There were plenty of women standing on the street a couple of blocks away who said they were answering the same ad I was, but they didn’t walk down the street. Most left thinking it was a joke. A few left because they didn’t want to be singled out. They saw the street but were scared to walk down it. I need the job.”

  “I’m glad you came. What’s your whole name? We don’t have a formal application so we will be doing things a little bit different.”

  “That’s fine by me. My name Jessie S. Murphy, I’m twenty-five and live in Homewood, which isn’t that far from here.”

  “Jessie, do you have experience being a waitress?”

  “I’ve worked for several restaurants. I have references if you need them.”

  “Where did you last work?”

  “Saul’s it’s in the Waterfront.”

  “I’ve been there before; it’s a good place to eat.” Jessie smiled and nodded her head yes briefly.

  “How long were you there Jessie?”

  “I was there for a year. Fifteen months to be exact.”

  “Why did you leave?”

  Jessie dropped her eyes and started playing with the arm of the chair. “I got pregnant and after a while, I couldn’t work.”

  Deja felt her eyes go to Jessie’s ring finger. It didn’t matter if she was married, but it was an annoying habit she picked up from polite society.

  “No ring,” Jessie held up her hand. “Mia’s dad was a hit it and quit it kind of guy. He took off, and I haven’t seen him since. Not that you need to know all of that.”

  “I know a lot about men who aren’t what they seemed like in the beginning. Jessie the hours here are late. They run from eight pm to two am. Would you be able to work those hours?”

  Jessie’s teeth began to work her bottom lip as she thought over Deja’s question. Who would watch Mia? Her mom had her right now, but that wouldn’t work at night, her mom wasn’t going to sit home. Jessie knew that from growing up with her.

  “Mia’s one-year-old. The prettiest little girl you ever saw. She wouldn’t be a problem because she’d be sleep. Maybe she could sleep in the back room; I could work, and after I get a paycheck or two I could hire a sitter for her while I’m here…” Her voice trailed off because she knew businesses didn’t work that way.

  “Deja,” Enzo called her from the office. “Jessie, will you give me a minute one of the people that owns the club is calling me.”

  She nodded and sat back in the chair.

  Deja went to the door on the side of the bar and pushed it open. Declyn was sitting at one of the desks while Enzo was watching the camera that showed the interior of the club.

  “She has a baby.” Deja said walking into the room closing the door behind her. “What are we supposed to do with that? She can’t work here. What if the Thalians target her like they targeted me. What if they target Mia?”

  “What if she starves to death and takes Mia with her?” Declyn asked.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “When you first came here Deja, we missed the fact that you were hungry. Not just hungry, but starving. After the experience of dealing with you, we can tell when a human hasn’t eaten, and she hasn’t eaten in days.” Enzo walked up to her and wrapped her in his arms remembering how it felt when he realized she wasn’t eating.

  “We can’t turn her away,” Declyn frowned going to the camera to look at her.

  “It’s not your job to rescue the world.” That’s what her boss told her when she tried to plead with her to see a patient who couldn’t afford to pay, but still needed to be treated by the best. “We’re a business Deja if a patient can’t pay then they need to go somewhere that offers free services. When we treat a patient, we expect to be paid.”

  She got it; she didn’t like it, but she got it. They were doing what they loved for the money, and it wasn’t their job to be responsible for the world.

  “Enzo.” Was she pleading on behalf of or against Jessie? There were just so many possibilities. “All right what do you want me to do?”

  “You make the decision. It was your idea, but remember Jessie was able to cross the barrier, and she was the only one brave enough to cross it.” Declyn gave her a smile and pointed towards the door.

  “Sorry about that.” Deja said as she came back into the club.

  “That’s fine; I should be going. Thank you for the interview, if you have a job opening after I find a sitter, I would like a chance to apply for it.”

  “Jessie, is someone with Mia right now

  “My mom will watch her for a couple of more hours before she needs to go out.”

  “Then would you mind coming with me? The interview isn’t over.”

  Jessie stood and waited for Deja to lead the way. They walked out of the club and Jessie followed her down the street until they arrived at her apartment. She led her up the stairs and through the door.

  “I live here. When I first got this job, I lived in an apartment that was an active construction site. The new owners wanted me out, but I had nowhere to go.” Deja gestured to the male sitting on the couch. “That’s Ven.”

  He stood up and smiled at her.

  “He lives here with me. Come into the kitchen.”

  She led them both into the kitchen. “We’re just having sandwiches and chips today. Jessie, would that be okay with you?”

  Her blue eyes were wide, and her tongue was rubbing over her lips. Declyn and Enzo were right Jessie was hungry, starving.

  “I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

  “No inconvenience. I hope you like hot sandwiches. Ven hates them cold, so we have a panini press that I’m finally learning how to use. Ven will be recommending the soda; he says different soda’s go with different foods. I usually drink whatever he tells me to.” Deja caught herself as she heard the joy in her voice. She was this happy because Declyn and Enzo took a chance on her.

  She still had a thousand questions or more. The Thalians were still a threat, but her life was good, and she wouldn’t walk away from it because tomorrow there may be trouble.

  “How long have you been working here?”

  “It feels like forever, but it hasn’t been that long. A couple of weeks.”


  “I agree you don’t have to say it. I live here in this apartment close to my job. I have Ven and Enzo. You’ll meet him soon; he’s one of the co-owners of The Wolves’ Den.” She placed sandwiches and chips before them. Ven took out the soda, and they all got quiet as they ate.

  When they finished, Deja told Jessie how much she would make an hour and went over the dress code with her.

  “If you choose to take the job you can bring Mia. We have a room in the back where she can sleep.”

  She started blinking real fast making sure that she didn’t let a tear fall in her happiness to have a job.

  “When do I start?”

  “Tomorrow at eight. Did you like the sandwiches?”

  “Yes, they were good.”

  “Glad to hear it because I have too much meat and wasn’t sure how I was going to get rid of it.” Deja started packing food making sure there was enough for little fingers to eat.

  “Ven walk Jessie home and carry this,” she handed him the bag of food.

  “I can’t take that.”

  “I insist. To work here, you have to eat. If you want to bring your child to work with you, she has to eat neither of you can be hungry. I found that out on my first night. I’ll see you tomorrow night, Jessie.”

  Deja dismissed her with a smile and started cleaning the kitchen.

  “Deja,” Ven said on the way out the kitchen. “I’m staying at Cole’s tonight; I already told Enzo.” He disappeared out the door before she could say anything to him.

  They were up to something. What could it be?

  Who cares you’re finally going to be alone with him.

  Think of what could happen tonight.

  No, don’t think of that you’ll make yourself panic.

  Tonight’s my night.

  That part of her that she left out of the cage came into the light. All the other voices in her head backed up giving her room. This Deja was feral a throwback to when humans faced dinosaurs and won. This was the side of her she kept under wraps because polite society wouldn’t accept her, but here with these males that turned into animals, she would stand out as being their equals.

  Her feral side was right; tonight belonged to them.

  Chapter Twenty

  How to seduce your man. One Google search, a million replies and still Deja was left cold. What would she get if she typed in how to seduce your alien lover?

  Try it.

  Don’t encourage her.

  I want to know.

  She was supposed to be coming up with ways to seduce Enzo since they had the apartment to themselves all night long. Instead, she was hanging out on Google typing things into the search box that weren’t helping. Her fingers started typing her last query because she couldn’t help herself.

  Her mouth opened just a little when it came back with hits, but in the end, it was the YouTube video that surprised her the most. After less than a minute she turned it off. So she wasn’t the only one attracted to an alien and obviously whether she realized it or not there were a lot of aliens on earth hiding out. Now that she thought about it, she might even know a person or two married to an alien.

  The earth was a bigger place than she realized. It didn’t take her long to fill the tub with rose scented bath salts. Rose was one of her favorite scents it smelled so enticing. She took a nice long bath allowing the salt to perfume her skin before she got out, picking up a big thick towel she wrapped it around her and walked into the bedroom.

  She went through three suitcases until she found what she wanted. It wasn’t as daring as she wanted but maybe that was good. She was hanging out on the internet one night (she might have a problem) when she saw this outfit she had to have. When it came, she tried it on and put it away to wear for a special occasion that never happened. The top was sheer black lace that fitted around her breast holding them in place with a cute band that gave a nice red pop of color that was snug underneath her breast. The black top swirled around her giving a peek-a-boo motion to her panties.

  Today she pulled it out and put it on. How long was she supposed to go without having her man balls deep inside of her? It ended today.

  You go, Deja!

  You’re the woman.

  I knew you could do it.

  She knew she could do it. So, why was her stomach bunched up into a little ball? Never mind she knew the answer to that one. She loved to participate in life, but she’d learned the hard way to be cautious when it came to men. Now she was breaking her rules. She wasn’t sitting back hoping he’d get around to showing her he cared or even to making love to her. She was going to take the bull by the horn, or in her case the alien by the dick and slide it home.

  She laughed long and hard as she imagined herself running around the bases, then going in for a home run as the pitcher threw the ball. Everyone cried safe when she hit the base and managed to take Enzo’s thick dick deep inside of her. She couldn’t stop chuckling as she stood in front of the fridge wondering what he wanted to eat.

  “I never saw you dressed like that before.”

  She turned around to see him standing in the doorway looking at her. His green eyes were blazing, and his hand was twitching just a little as if he couldn’t keep it still.

  “Camire,” his voice was tender, but his eyes held lust. “Did you wear that for me?”

  She nodded because her voice deserted her. Her hand let go of the door, and it closed allowing him to take her all in.

  “You are a vision. If I thought that there was a female like you in the galaxy, I would have scoffed at the idea. How can you be so beautiful, loving and caring at the same time?

  “Deja, I want you. I want to be buried deeply within you. I want to hear you say my name to beg me to make you feel good. I want the things I shouldn’t have, but that doesn’t stop images of you from teasing me, driving me crazy. If you don’t want me, let me know now.”

  He covered the small space between them, waiting for her rejection or her acceptance.

  “I want you Enzo. I need you.”

  He lowered his head and fused his lips to her pulling her closer until she was flush against his body.

  She gave a sigh of need and opened her mouth feeling his tongue invading her, conquering her. His arms went around her, and he lifte
d her carrying her into the bedroom.

  “This is beautiful.” His hand ran over her top caressing her as he moved down her body.

  His lips went to her neck kissing and nipping her as she gave little sounds of encouragement. His body was half on her the heat of him penetrating her.

  I want this; her brain said before it short circuited. Enzo was pulling at her nipple through the sheer material. Her nipple hardened, and the unfamiliar sensation of her top made her even wetter. She rubbed her legs together wishing he was already inside of her.

  “Not yet.” His big hand cupped her pussy pushing down on it making her whimper.

  He took her nipple into his mouth through her top.

  “Yes,” came out of her before her lips opened and closed with the pleasure he was giving her.

  He withdrew his mouth and blew on her nipple making it even harder. “I dreamed that one day I would have a female who was all mine. Little sounds would come out of her mouth letting me know how much she loved what I was doing to her body. She would want no one else besides me.”

  He bent over and bit her nipple making her body convulse on the bed. She repeated his name over again as if it were the only word she knew.

  “I thought of how I would love her, worship her because she would be the only female in the universe I would want.”

  His mouth traveled to her other nipple sucking it deeply into his mouth. He rolled it between his lips before sucking on it even harder. His fingers plucked at the first nipple, and her body went into overdrive her hips thrust up, and she begged for release.

  “Not yet, camire.” He released her nipple and softly petted her until she was no longer at the edge.

  She lifted her head to look down at her body. Her nipples were hard and glistening, begging for Enzo to touch them again. She ran a hand over them and pleasure spiked in the pit of her stomach.

  “Feels good doesn’t it?”

  She gave a low moan of yes before lying down and reaching for him. He allowed her to pull him up her body. His weight rested on hers making her cry out when his thick cock nestled between her legs.