Phoenix (The Broken Book 5) Page 2
“They should have you move at the pace of a snail,” she muttered under her breath. He grinned at her; his eyes glowed in the darkness, but it wasn’t dark. “You heard that didn’t you.”
“I did, and I would enjoy going to dinner with you.”
She gave him her address and what time to pick her up. Her eyes lingered on his ass as he left.
“That was painful. I thought I was going to have to come help you.”
“Troy, why are you here? I’m going to get a cowbell and hang it around your neck.”
“What fun would that be? I’m glad you finally got up the courage to ask him out.”
“Me too.” It didn’t stop the dip in her stomach or the thought that she wasn’t good enough for him.
Chapter Three
“You’re going where?”
Five pairs of eyes stared him down from the palest blue to the darkest brown. They were set in his sister's faces that ranged from a pale white to a deep brown. He loved the way they were all different colors unlike him and his brothers. When you were designed in the lab of mad scientists, there wasn’t much variety unless you talked about eyes and hair.
The scientists weren’t really into creativity unless you knew they designed him and his brothers for war. That’s where they got creative. Akron’s ability to manipulate time was almost unheard of, not that they stopped there. They had no taboo’s and no common sense; they did whatever they could. He was proof of that.
“I’m going to dinner.”
“You mean in a restaurant?” Serenity asked him.
“By yourself?” Piper chimed in.
“There is no way he’s going by himself,” Quinn told the others.
“I had to twist his arm to get him to go out with us last month,” Brandi added.
“You know what that means,” Quinn told the group.
They were all nodding their heads as they talked without adding Phoenix to the conversation. He wondered if he could make a break for it. One glance at his brothers leaning against the long counter in the kitchen staring at him, and he knew he wasn’t going anywhere until his sisters were finished interrogating him… oops asking meaningful questions because they cared.
“I know; he's also taking a car,” Brandi added a bit of information to the conversation.
“The black one,” Piper chimed in. It shines so bright I can see my reflection in it.
“He has a date. It can’t be anything else,” Serenity told them.
“Who is she?” They asked at the same time like they synchronized that shit.
Phoenix fidgeted; he never fidgeted, and his sisters laugh while his brothers tried to hide their grins.
“If you must know Rylee asked me out. It’s just dinner she was hungry and needed someone to eat her… eat with her!”
“I always enjoy when Mekhi eats me,” Quinn said trying to keep a straight face. Too late they dissolved into laughter and giggles. Even his brothers were laughing.
Phoenix drew himself up to his impressive height, gave them all a haughty look and then escaped before the last shred of his dignity was on the kitchen floor.
He couldn’t help but let a little laughter, and a smile escape him at his sisters’ antics as he drove to Rylee’s place. She lived in one of those tall apartment buildings that had more floors than made sense. How did one get down from the tenth floor in an emergency? How did humans like paramedics get up to them quickly?
This would not do, what if The Vortex opened, and she was trapped up here without help? He pushed the button on the elevator, it was moving slower than a freight elevator. The floor was comprised of six doors all with numbers on them. Rylee was in 106; he knocked expecting to wait before she came to the door. She opened it immediately.
“Hey Phoenix, sorry about that, I was hoping to meet you downstairs. There was no need for you to have to come all the way up here.”
“It’s proper for me to pick you up at the door and drop you off at the door.”
“Maybe,” she chuckled, “If I was sixteen and had parents to greet you. It doesn’t matter now; you're here. Are you ready?”
“I am.” He bent his arm and gave it to her to hold. The smile that graced her lips and made her eyes bright told him that watching a few YouTube videos on dating as well as watching his brothers was paying off.
“Thank you, kind sir.” She locked up, and he escorted her to the car with envious eyes watching them. “I thought we could go to Stefano’s. They are new, only been open for about six months, but I hear they make a great steak. I don’t really peg you as the pasta type.”
“You’re right I’m not. My family has been planning to eat there.”
“We can go somewhere else if you want to wait for your family.”
“No, I’m looking forward to eating there with you.”
Rylee sank back into the passenger seat desperately looking for conversation starters that would say she was witty, and fascinating, and he should ask her out for a second date. It was an epic fail. Instead, she asked him about his childhood.
“Was it hard growing up with five brothers?”
“Yes and no. We were all a lot alike. That made it difficult and we could do things that others couldn’t which at times made it worse. But there was always someone there to confide in. You knew that one of your brothers was always looking out for you.”
“I bet your mom pulled her hair out when you guys were younger.”
Phoenix pulled into a parking space. He came around to help Rylee out the car. There wasn’t a line at Stephano’s which was unusual on a Friday. After the waiter took their drink order, he leaned back to look at her.
“We didn’t have any parents. We were created in the laboratory of several mad scientists. My brothers now are brothers of choice. My original five brothers died centuries ago.”
Rylee gave him a wooden smile wondering what she had gotten herself into.
“Have you ever seen the movie Firestarter?”
“It’s about a young girl who can start fires with her mind.” Rylee looked up to see Phoenix watching her with a question in his eyes. She shrugged. “I always thought that would be cool.”
“Is this something a human would be able to do?”
“So, the conspiracy theorists say it's possible. There have been several cases of internal combustion. Where people have been going about their daily lives and without warning start to burn. They say it happens from the inside out. Their ashes are collected along with any DNA that can be retrieved from their belongings. It’s all sent to a think tank somewhere in the desert that the government supports.”
“That sounds like your government.” They stopped when the waiter brought their drinks and gave him their orders.
“What did the scientists come up with?” Phoenix asked her after the waiter left.
“It’s all speculation. They say the human body is full of energy that surrounds us all the time like a pool. Then when you add in movement, you get kinetic energy. There is also a theory that every mind contains a different type of energy. That’s where they focused. If the three types of energy could be mixed, they reasoned that anyone could start a fire.”
“Wouldn’t that cause the human to burn up?”
“Yes! That’s where the real problem lay. It took them years to figure out which combination of the three energies to use that would enhance the body instead of destroying it.”
“I have dinner.” The waiter interrupted them.
Rylee realized she was leaning over the table talking in low tones just like the conspiracy theorist she recently laughed at.
“Thanks, I’m starving.” The waiter sat the biggest steak in front of her with a baked potato, corn, and a side of peas. “Can we have more bread?”
“Be right back.” He brought bread and butter and a refill on their drinks before he went to help another customer.
“Mmm, this is good,” she said wrapping her lips around the fork.
It looks good,” his voice was raspy.
“Are you all right?”
“Yeah, you were telling me a story.”
“After years of research, they figured out the one thing everyone who internally combusted had in common. A specific chromosome that was thought of as a throwback to prehistoric days but didn’t cause any problems. They now call it the Firestarter. From there they went about synthesizing a chromosome to go with it. The second chromosome allowed the body to resist and use the energy being turned into fire.”
“Theoretically this person can now make and use fire?” he asked interest apparent in his eyes.
“Yes, maybe, sort of. It's not the typical fire we think of. It burns like fire, which means it hurts like fire. Each individual would make their own version of it. Meaning some may burn hotter than others.”
“What color would it be?”
“It depends on the person.”
“Could they control it?”
“If they took the time to learn.”
“The combination would have to be two parts mental, one-part physical with a dash of kinetic energy thrown in,” Phoenix told her.
“You’ve studied the theory?”
“You could say that.”
They finished their dinner in silence.
Chapter Four
“He’s beautiful.” The gray and white cat at her feet made a loud vocal noise. “Sorry baby I meant handsome. You’re the most handsome cat in the world.” He gave a soft sound that sounded like agreement before he weaved between her feet rubbing himself against her legs.
“Where’s your owner? Did they leave you alone, are you living on the street? The street is no place for one as handsome as you. Do you want to come home with me?”
“No, no, no. This is just a date, not a mate.” Phoenix said too low or Rylee to hear him. From the way the cat turned his eerie blues on him. He was sure that the cat heard.
It gave a growl and what could only be called a smile before he jumped into Rylee’s arms.
“Oh my! Did you see that Phoenix? He picked me. Did you know that cats could jump that high? I didn’t know. I love you to kitty; we're going to be the best of friends. Wait, I need food and litter. Where can I get them this late at night?” She made frantic sounds as she looked around the parking lot as if a store was going to magically appear.
“I see a bus stop. I’ll take the bus home, I don’t want him to get any fur in your car. I heard cats shed a lot.”
“Get in the car Rylee.” He took her by her elbow and guided her to the car.
“Really, I’ll be fine. I think I can even walk from here if the bus driver won’t let me on. You know how pesky they are about following rules until they decide to break them.”
“Get in the car Rylee.”
“If you’re sure?”
He gave her a stony look that had her getting closer to the open car door.
“I’ll hold him while you get in.”
“Thanks.” She gave him a big smile and turned the cat over to him.
“If you give me any problem's cat, I will turn you into cat tartare or set you on fire like a baked Alaska.” He spoke quietly in the cat’s ear.
He went to turn the cat over to Rylee when he pissed on his hand. “What the hell!”
“Oh, isn’t it so cute, he claimed you!”
“Remember that when I piss on him.” Phoenix let the cat go and went to find something to clean his hand with.
“Naughty boy. You did that on purpose, but it was kind of funny.”
Phoenix emerged from the trunk triumphant with a towel and a sour look on his face for the cat.
“I need…”
“I know, food, and a litter box.”
“Yeah.” She held her new cat tight. “I wonder if you need shots. You look clean and healthy to be living on the street. We also need a name for you.”
“Why don’t you call him Menace?”
“Phoenix, that’s no name for royalty. He’s like a beautiful elf. That’s it, I’ll call him Elfin. Do you like your name Elfin?” He gave a vocal agreement before changing positions in her arms and rubbing his head against her breasts.
“He’s so sweet.”
Phoenix looked over, the cat gave him a wicked look before rubbing against her 0ne more time.
“Not sure I’d call him sweet.”
“Phoenix are you jealous of a cat.”
Am I jealous of a cat that’s touching your breasts while I barely held your hand? Hell yeah, but you don’t need to know that.
“No, I’m just concerned that he may have some dangerous disease and need to be put down for it. I don’t want you to get your hopes up. I’ll buy you another cat if we need to send this one to the other side, for his own good.” He gave Elfin a smile before turning back to face the road.
“Poor baby, I hope you're all right.” Rylee rocked him back and forth as Elfin gave his opinion loudly in a series of vocal yowling’s. With a smile and a spark in her eyes she looked at Phoenix. “You’re just as bad as he is.”
Phoenix tried to control the grin spreading. Rylee said that just low enough for him to hear.
Mate? No, he was going to die, and he refused to take her with him.
The trip to the store was fast. Rylee picked up some food, litter and a litter box. Elfin didn’t really seem to be interested in toys. That made Phoenix loudly declare that Elfin was a menace to mankind in general and to Rylee specifically.
She laughed as they wandered through the store, and he made remarks about what that darn cat was doing in his car why he wasn’t there to oversee it.
It was the cashier's last words to them that made her stumble as they exited the store.
“The two of you make such a cute couple.”
They weren’t a couple, were they? It was only dinner, a date, not even really a date. It was just dinner. Of course, she was attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be? He was several inches over six feet, with dark-brown hair bordering on black. His chest was broad and well-muscled. He had the ass cheeks of a god. Then there were his long-muscled legs that she wanted to worship with kisses, sighs, and touches. Last, but definitely not least was his reddish-orange eyes. She didn’t know where he got those contacts, but they were fire. Any woman in her right mind would want him, and Rylee was in her right mind.
Elfin was rubbing his furry body against the back of the driver’s seat when they got back to the car. Rylee had to bite her lip to keep from laughing as Elfin gave Phoenix an innocent cat look.
Phoenix put her bags in the back seat. “I doubt that cat understands the meaning of innocence.” He told her when they exited the parking lot.
“He’s just showing how much he loves you.”
Phoenix cut his eyes at her before watching the road and the ridiculous amount of traffic for this late in the evening.
“I can come up with you,” he told her as he pulled in front of her building.
“I’m fine. No reason for you to have to come to the tenth floor only to turn around and leave again.”
“What about your bags?”
“I got them; I swear. I had fun tonight.”
“So, did I. You have my number; you can call me some time.”
He sounded nervous, which made her feel better. “You have mine too.” She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before picking up her bags.
He took off when he could no longer see her. This was just a date; he tried to reassure himself. It was his first date since he had come to earth. He shook off thoughts of Rylee with her wild red hair and eyes as green as new grass. There were other more important things to think about, like the reaper and his impending doom.
When Phoenix reached home, he decided to go through the kitchen. If he bypassed it, then his family would follow him up to his room.
“Your home!” Piper said enthusiastically.
“Did you miss me?” He teased her. Thrice growled to remind him who Piper was mated to.
“I missed
you too,” Brandi said. Piper and she had a lifetime of causing trouble together.
Jabari gave his own growl. Phoenix held up his hands. “Are the two of you trying to start a fight?”
They both laughed. There were days when it didn’t take much to get the brother's fighting.
“We want to hear about the date,” Quinn said. She sighed when Mekhi walked over picked her up and sat her on his lap.
The other brothers not to be outdone did the same thing. That left Slade and Phoenix without a mate to hold.
“It was a date.” He shrugged his shoulders.
Emo, she was Serenity and Akron’s cat, who was sitting on the floor changed into Amani her humanoid teen self. “I think you're not telling us everything.”
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
“I’m a cat, we’re nocturnal.”
“You look like a teen with a bedtime to me,” Phoenix told her.
“He does have a point,” Ivory said. She was Piper and Thrice’s cat, who was also sitting on the floor changed into her humanoid shape. “I think we should all talk about this.” She was a mediator and hated to see when they were at odds.
“I think Tee is jealous that she doesn’t have a humanoid shape,” Quinn said not talking to anyone specifically.
“I agree Fie is not looking too happy either,” Brandi added.
“Fie is a Merling; he should have a humanoid shape. I think it’s been repressed. As far as Tee goes…” Ivory looked at her with interest.
“Whatever you're going to do Ivory don’t…” Pipers voice trailed off as twin lights of orange came from Ivory’s hands.
“There that should fix that.” Ivory became a cat and ran off.
“I’m going to kill my cat, skin her alive.” Piper breathed as she watched both Tee and Fie as humanoids.
“I’m coming up with a recipe for cat tartare; I'll share it with you,” Phoenix shared in her anguish.
“Eww,” the females groused.
“I’m a boy!” Fie screamed.
“Did anyone besides me think of Pinocchio?” Brandi asked. “Just what I need one more child.” Fie looked to be about eight.
“Where’s David, mom?”