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Damon: The A'rouk Brothers: A BBW Paranornal Page 20

  The shadows became solid as the minions of The Darkness stepped out hissing at the humans who couldn’t hear or see them.

  Elandra walked out of the shadows to stand in front of him. Damon knew the male, at that moment he cursed Dante. The Darkness had punished Elandra until his life was slowly seeping out of his body. Dante came to Damon; he ordered him to heal the male. Damon refused in the beginning but did as his brother asked in the end. He knew it was a mistake, a mistake he was going to pay for today.

  “No good deed,” Damon muttered in his head never finishing the end of it.

  “Ours,” Elandra said. The evil smile on his face was filled with joy. He swore when Mick broke free of his clutches that he would capture an A’rouk and place him at the feet of The Darkness. Damon would do, besides he owed Damon for healing him when he begged for death.

  River sat up, one glance around the room brought a whispered, “No,” from her lips.

  She didn’t know who the male was with the beautiful hair and the strange eyes, but she felt like she had been waiting for him all her life. All she knew about the shadows were the terrifying stories Sloan told her like she was a child in need of bedtime stories. The shadow wanted her dead she just didn’t know why.

  Elandra turned to look at her.

  “Collect the female,” he told the minions he brought with him. There would be no playing nice or fair. Give an A’rouk an inch and they would win the round.

  Two minions approached her dropping dead when they walked into the shield that covered her.

  Elandra roared, “Drop the shield, Damon. She’s as good as dead. Look at her they will continue to kill her until one day her body no longer regenerates. Give her to me I will end her suffering humanely.”

  Damon arched a brow and rolled his eyes. He wouldn’t remove that shield, even if he could.

  “No,” he allowed his lips to curl into a smile knowing it would infuriate Elandra. He marveled at the fact that he now had a voice. He wanted to speak to his brothers one last time, but he knew they were forbidden to interfere the minute he met his mate.

  “I will kill her, eventually.” Elandra reached out hitting Damon in his jaw.

  Damon’s head snapped to the side, but his body didn’t move. Elandra had his minions throw a confining field on him before they dragged him out of his seat. His eyes stayed focus on his mate watching both the fear and determination flash in her eyes.

  Damon struggled to break the field containing him, but the minute he set his eyes on his mate his life was forfeited. She activated the curse he was born with because of that he could struggle all he wanted but even with all the power he possessed he would not be able to break a simple containment shield.

  Elandra eyed the female lying on the floor while he decided the wisdom of losing more minion lives in the pursuit of claiming her early. With a growl of dissatisfaction, he turned his gaze back to Damon. He would take what he could get, with luck the female would die the next time they placed her in the tank.

  He turned to look at Sloan who stood too still. He walked over to him.

  “If you get in the way of The Darkness you will die. We have left you alone because your agenda coincides with ours. Don’t get too greedy if you want to keep breathing.”

  He walked back to look at Damon. He didn’t need the female in the end Damon would kill her for them.

  “Mine,” Elandra growled. With an outstretched hand, he and the other minions of Darkness disappeared taking Damon with him.

  Sloan turned to smile at River with a sly look on his face before he too was frozen unable to move. She turned her head to face the only figure in the room that was still aware. He sat in the very last row in the stadium no one sat there except him. He was highlighted as if a spotlight had been turned on him.

  He moved and suddenly he was standing on the stage in front of her.

  “River,” her name came from between his lips.

  She shook the power that flowed out of him encircled her warming her body, letting her know just how powerful he was.

  “You know my name?” She was confused she’d never seen him before although he felt familiar as if she should know him.

  “My name is Dante.”

  “Can you save him?” She should be asking him to release her to give her a head start before the people around her woke up but all she could do was think of the male with the red hair.

  He had captivated her when he looked at her anger on his face, not at her but at what was being done to her. She saw his silent fight to free himself and knew it was all for her.

  “The only one that can save Damon is Damon. Why haven’t you saved yourself?”

  “I’ve tried.” She looked towards Sloan hatred swamping her face before she looked back at Dante. “I escape continually, and they find me. No matter how I plan it or where I intend to go, they find me. It’s a game to them. Once I got away from the compound and thought I would be free they were waiting for me when I got to my destination.” Anger colored her voice along with the surety that she would never be free.

  Dante reached out and placed his hand on her chest there was a sudden heat that went through her burning her with its intensity before it stopped.

  “The enemy doesn’t believe in fairness. I’ve evened the playing field.”

  “Can you set me free?”

  “Like Damon, you must set yourself free. I do have something for you.” He handed her a mint. “Place it in your pocket.”

  She frowned but did as he asked.

  “Now place one in your mouth.”

  She reached into her pocket surprised to feel she had several.

  “Tonight might be a good night to escape.” He disappeared, and Sloan continued to turn around as if he were never frozen.

  I hope you enjoyed the extra as well as that slightly disrobing look into my brain.

  Have a wonderful holiday and happy New Years!