Damon: The A'rouk Brothers: A BBW Paranornal Read online

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  She shivered and rubbed her arms. She didn’t feel right but why?

  Chapter Seventeen

  Damon stopped to kiss her under the stars. It should have been romantic, but she felt his rage. Was it geared toward her? Then she felt his disgust. Her heart broke, there had to be a reason why he was suddenly ashamed of her. She broke out of his arms and walked ahead of him.


  His voice was lost, she couldn’t hear it. All she could hear was another voice. She ran trying to put distance between her and him. She made it to the house first and ran up the stars. Her eyes came to rest on him when he said her name. Why was she huddled in the corner of her room? Why was he here? To humiliate her again? To shame her? Never again would she be put down or shamed. Her hands went to her head trying to stop the pounding as well as the voices before she stood with fury in her eyes.

  “Leave while I let you leave alive.”

  She moved past him and went into the bathroom. Where was her pool of water? Having no other choice she stood in what she knew was a shower. The water regenerated her gave her strength. Never again would Haji dishonor her.

  He had called one of the other females of his tribe to dance for him after seeing her dance. His males had laughed and said she was graceless. He laughed with them, later apologizing. He explained as a ruler he must always be the first. She ducked her head giving him respect even as she plotted her way out the relationship.

  Her plans were to leave in two moon risings, leaving him to his tribe and his vanity. He couldn’t wait all he wanted to do was embarrass her. There was a special gathering called the next night where he decided to show off how virile he was. The females volunteered for a chance to rut with him. If one were fortunate enough to conceive she would become his second mate as if she would ever mate with him after that.

  She expressed her disapproval and her plans to leave. That was the first time she died but not the last.

  Now once again he was here laughing at her. The anger she felt became fuel to the fire of her hatred of him, and she left the water her hair flowing behind her as droplets of water kissed her skin.

  He was still in the room sitting in a chair laughing as he rehearsed the story he would tell the others.

  “Why are you still here?”

  “River…” The voice sounded different for a minute then Haji revealed his real voice and his intentions.

  “I killed you, you should have stayed dead. You are not worthy of the air you’re breathing. No man will ever want you. Like me, he will discard you.”

  What had she ever seen in him? He was the product of two tribes one brown, one pale. He came out paler, but she never held that against him. What he did was enough reason to hate him.

  “You caused my death. You embarrassed me in front of the tribe, why? Why did you pretend to want me?”

  “You’re a daughter of the Earth. I knew that. There is prestige and honor to the man who can capture your heart. You’re an original, and I wanted you on my arm. Why couldn’t you be like the others? The women in my tribe were all streamlined. No unnecessary curves.”

  She had envied the women of his tribe. She watched their every move because she wanted to be like them. Their bodies never showed the plentifulness of the harvest. Their cheeks never rounded with the richness the land gave to them. They sang in joy about the harvest, but they never partook of it. Their females starved to look like they did. How had she not realized it then?

  “You dishonored your females by not letting them be who they were meant to be.”

  “No, you dishonored me. This time you will die for good.” He pulled a knife and threw it at her.

  With a raised hand water came to her, she deflected the knife and gave him a smile.

  “You should have left when I told you to.” She directed the water at him. It wrapped around his body squeezing him.

  “Die Haji. I never want to see your face again.”

  She stood proudly. Finally, she was standing up for herself. She should have killed him centuries ago.

  “I love you, Little Warrior.” It felt like a caress. She felt unsure of her actions until once again she saw Haji’s face telling her how he hated her.

  How could he be in front of you? A small voice whispered in her head. No, she shook her head she would not be tricked. Finally, justice would be done. He would no longer haunt her.

  How can he be real if he’s a ghost? He was dying, but he wasn’t fighting. If he broke her defense, she would die because she was one with him.

  “I love you, Little Warrior. I always will.”

  Haji didn’t love her he didn’t call her Little Warrior. She called her water back and wrapped it around herself. The one who deserved to die was her.

  Damon struggled to his knees and crawled over to her.

  “No love, you don’t get to leave me.” He broke the barrier around her and picked her up holding her close to his body. He didn’t understand, but he would.

  She opened her eyes to find herself being rocked in Damon’s arms, they were soaked. Her eyes slammed shut as memories of what she had done surfaced.

  “I’m sorry.” She whispered as she tried to get free of his arms.

  “You’re not going anywhere.” It was the first time he had denied her anything she wanted. His voice made her stop and stay still.

  “I tried to kill you.”

  “No, you tried to kill a male from your past who hurt you and dishonored you. Tell me about him.”

  “I’m older than I think I am. I remember I wanted to mingle with my people. I was still young, but my mother granted my wish. One day I was walking through the tall grass watching the wild animals when I spotted a young man. He was handsome and virile, and I watched him. Later he approached me and invited me to his village. He was going to be the ruler, his father was turning the reigns over to him.

  “He professed his love for me. I’d never been in love with anyone before. I was flattered. He wanted to make me his queen. How could I say no? His tribe didn’t like me. One female didn’t like me and she turned them against me because I was different. I ate when the harvest came in while they only took a few bites to make sure there was plenty for the males. You know the rest of the story.”

  Now would come the condemnation. He would tell her she was foolish and got what she deserved.

  “Is he dead?”


  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “It’s hard to kill a dead man, but I wanted to make sure.”

  “Why aren’t you saying it?”


  “That I was foolish.”

  “The want and desire for love are never foolish. He was foolish, he had you and gave you up to be worthy in the eyes of his people.”

  “You always do or say things I don’t expect. Why did I think you were him?”

  “Harold poisoned you.”

  “What? How?”

  He held up a small dish that had two small round disc in them.

  “I found these in your body. They were attacking your ears and your eyes. I suspect that you saw whatever he programmed these two to play for you.”

  “Are they alive?”

  “They are. I’ve never encountered or heard of them before. From my limited research, they seem to have the ability to carry both sound and picture. I suspect they attack the brain and implant any suggestions they have been given.”

  “He wanted me to kill you?”

  “I think so.”

  “Why did I stop?”

  “You felt me, and that broke the control. My willingness to die for you before I ever hurt you is what you felt.”

  “Can I stand up?”

  “Of course.” He took his arms away from her. She felt cold without his warmth but stood.

  “I’m going to retreat to the shower. I seem to think best in there. It has something to do with the water.”

  He gave her a smile and watched her go.
/>   She almost killed him. There was no need to undress since she was already naked. Had she stood there naked and almost killed Damon? Yes. How was she going to face him or his family? What if it happened again? Maybe next time she wouldn’t feel his emotions. Maybe next time…

  “What are you doing?”

  “I just cleaned up all the water. Now I’m cold, so I thought I better take a shower.” He took off the now damp dress shirt that was clinging to him like a second skin, then his pants hit the floor. Whatever made her think the shower was a good idea? It was an excellent idea, just not for thinking.

  “Do you mind sharing some of your hot water?”

  She moved back and let him in. He placed his arms around her and kissed the side of her neck.

  “You should be mad at me not kissing me. I almost killed you.”

  “You weren’t yourself.”

  “That’s not a good enough excuse.”

  “You can’t control everything River.” He came up behind her resting his erection against the crack of her ass.

  “I should have…” Her voice drifted off as he walked her to the back of the shower leaning her against the cool, smooth surface of the wall.

  “You should have what?” His deep voice was in her ear as his hands found her breasts.

  “Fought back.” Her voice was thin and high pitched as he pulled on a nipple.

  “Like the way you were willing to die to make sure I lived? Don’t do that again.”

  One of his hands was casually stroking her pussy. He was taking his time as he bit her on the shoulder and played with her nipples.

  “What are you doing?” Her breath was coming out in pants.

  “If you have to ask I must be doing it wrong.” He flexed his hips pushing his thick cock harder against her ass.

  “More.” She rubbed against him, her back was so warm she wanted him to always cover her.

  “What do you want, Love?”

  “I want to be your mate.”

  He went still as the words echoed through the bathroom.

  “Are you sure? There’s no going back. You don’t get to change your mind tomorrow. The moment you become my mate your life will always be connected to mine. Are you sure, River?”

  She was sure. There was so much of her life and her captivity she couldn’t remember. Then there was the whole daughter of the Earth part of her life that she hadn’t signed up for. There was one thing she wanted, and that was Damon. She remembered what it felt like to be despised and hated. That hatred had nothing to do with her it was based on fear.

  Fear was an interesting fellow. I’m scared I may look like you. I’m scared the man I picked may want you over me. I’m scared I won’t fit in with my friends if I smile at you, offer you friendship. I was brought up to fear people like you. Fear was interesting, but it had nothing to do with her, even when they thought she was the object of their fear. When unreasonable fear touched her life, she now knew it was the other person projecting his fear and maybe even some of his hatred onto her.

  That’s not how it was with Damon. He didn’t fear or despise her, even when she could have killed him, he loved her. She now knew what love was, what acceptance was. She watched both him and his family show her what it meant. He touched her heart whispering that love hadn’t forgotten him or her. The closer she got to it, the closer she got to him, the more she wanted to spend her life with him. It didn’t matter how long the life, what mattered was being with him.

  “I’m sure Damon. We can have forever together or just tonight. Either way, I want to spend it with you.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Spread your legs, Love.” His breath was warm against her ear making her shiver as she spread her legs wider.

  He tucked his thick erection into the crack of her ass filling her. She shivered, he was so thick and warm. His body pressed against hers so that her nipples were pressed against the wall before his finger probed her pussy.

  He was so wicked. Her mind went crazy thinking of the things he could do to her. Her body flushed with desire as he added a second finger.

  His sensual little bites on her shoulder and neck were making her even hotter.

  “You’re so hot. Your body was made to be loved, and I was made to love you.”

  She panted as she rode his finger wanting more. He took his fingers out of her and placed them in his mouth as he sucked them clean. A long moan of need came from her mouth.

  “Do you like this, Love? It feels like slow torture as I get to know your body over again. I can feel my cock being cradled by your ass and I keep getting thicker, longer. Is it possible to get harder?”

  Her fingers clawed at the wall wanting to find purchase. She needed to hold onto something as her stomach contracted and her pussy throbbed. He was taking her higher but not giving her what she needed. He was playing with her and enjoying it. She could feel his need as he rocked against her ass as her head moved to the side her lips opening in a hiss as she tried not to beg.

  “Do you want something? I want to be deep within you. Thrusting as you cry out in pleasure.”

  “Yes, Damon, yes.”

  She felt his hips move and her ass felt barren until the head of his cock touched the entrance of her pussy. Her hips moved without her permission seeking to impale themselves on him.

  “Greedy mate,” he whispered in her ear as he slid into her. “Tight mate.”

  His hips rocked back teasing her never giving her enough. He pulled her hips out from the wall and sank in deeper. A long groan of satisfaction came from her lips as she moved against him.

  More, she needed more even as she rocked against him. She made a noise of frustration. He gave a deep chuckle in her ear.

  “Are you sure, River? Do you want me for your mate?”

  “Yes,” she screamed. “How many times do I have to say yes.” Her voice was filled with frustration as she rocked harder against him. She needed more.

  He moved away from her and spun her around, so her back was against the wall. He slammed his hips against hers and his cock sank deep. She cried out with pleasure the echo of it bounced around the shower. He held her against the wall as he drilled into her repeatedly. His name came out mixed with words he couldn’t understand until she caught his eyes.

  The primal need she had to become one with him was in her eyes. Her body was already beginning to shudder. He caught her by the hands interlocking fingers as his eyes glowed brightly. He bent his head and bit her deep. His fangs dropped as he locked onto her. Her head went to the side, and a scream of pure bliss came from her as her body went over the falls.

  She was freefalling through time as memories flooded her, caressed her. When she hit the ground, she realized she was part of something bigger than herself. A smile lit her face, they were mated.

  He picked her up and turned off the water.

  “What did I tell you about carrying me?” Her head was nuzzled against his chest.

  “I’m just carrying you over the threshold.” He dried them off and put them to bed.

  “Sleep,” he whispered. He watched as she closed her eyes.

  His eyes closed before they opened again and he slipped out of bed. He put on a pair of pajama’s pants before he went downstairs. The front door was cracked, he went out to join his brother on the porch.


  “Thank you. I missed you earlier.”

  “You had enough family around, and I needed to do some research.”

  “Every time you say the word research I shiver and I have no idea why.”

  “It shows that your intelligent.”

  “Harold came after River today, the same being who was Jaz’s handler. He never touched her, so I don’t know how he got his little presents in her ears, they’re upstairs.”

  “I have them.”

  He cut his eyes to his brother, but refused to ask if he was in their room while he was making love to his mate.”

  Dante laughed. “I just came, Eli an
d I spent some time walking Sin City until you were available.”

  He nodded he knew his brother wouldn’t invade his privacy like that.

  “Do you know what they are?”

  “They come from the dark sector.”

  The dark sector was controlled by The Darkness. No one went there for fear of never being able to leave again.

  “How am I supposed to keep her safe if they can get to her without touching her?”

  Harold had been right there, he should have taken care of him then. Now he was another threat that had the ability to get to his mate.

  “Damon, we can’t kill everything. Some things just won’t die.”

  He left without a goodbye. Damon went to bed thinking of what he said.

  “Hi,” she whispered when he got back in bed.

  “You’re supposed to be sleep.”

  “I missed you, so I waited.” She wrapped herself around him, and they fell asleep.


  She opened her eyes to find the bed empty. He had kissed her earlier telling her he needed to check on something and company would arrive soon.

  “Time to get up River.”


  “I’m here.”

  “Hey, she’s not the only one here,” Dee screamed up the stairs.

  “Why do they always forget about me?” Janis complained trying not to laugh.

  “Anyone else down there?”

  “Not yet but Jaz and Brook are trying to break free, and Amber’s trying to give Alexei the slip.”

  She hopped out of bed laughing and went straight to the closet. One thought of her night had her heading towards the shower first. A big smile curved her lips when she saw the shower. Refusing to think of Damon while in the shower she got clean and dressed.

  “What’s for breakfast?”

  “We were hoping you knew how to cook. Our mates have been cooking for so long I think we lost the skill.”

  Her mouth dropped, and her eyes widened as she looked around the table. They broke out in laughter.

  “We can cook, but we thought we’d break you out of here today.” Dee gave her a smile.

  “Is it safe.”