Payton's Surprise (The Perfect Match Book 2) Read online

Page 11

  “Glorious cascade?” She whispered as he placed his knee on the bed. Then he crawled to her.

  Her stomach twisted with need. The way he kneeled over her made her feel like she was prey. The urge to run was hitting the barrier of her skin while a part of her wanted to surrender.

  “My body doesn’t know what to do.” She made a move to roll off the bed. He caught her, caging her in with his arms.

  “Mine,” It was rough. Her pussy fluttered as wetness came from her.

  “Maybe I don’t belong to anyone but myself.” Her chin jutted out. She met his eyes defiantly.

  “It’s so cute that you believe that.” She had to laugh. He was throwing her words back into her face.

  “It’s amazing the things I believe.”

  “I’ve noticed that.” He leaned down and nibbled on her bottom lip until she opened it with a gasp. His tongue swept in nice and smooth as he devoured her mouth, claiming her for the world to know who she belonged to.

  “Malic,” she moaned out.



  “And Cassic’s.” She was theirs, and with two little words, he made everything okay.

  “I belong to both of you.”

  He chuckled and began kissing her neck. She loved it when he kissed her there. It was this erogenous zone that she never realized she had until they came along to uncover it for her.

  “I love the way you move when I touch you.” He moved down to her pouting breasts. “Look at your perk nipples.”

  Funny to think that she was proud of her size b cup. There was a time when she was an A and she had been mighty proud of it. Now she liked her body. She wasn’t the skinny chick willing to starve herself for a pet of affection like she was a dog panting to be acknowledged. The more she accepted herself, the more she loved her curves. The wider her male’s eyes got with lust, the more she felt like a goddess. A quick move had her thrusting out one thigh.

  Malic’s eyes followed her thigh until his hand rested there. “How can your skin be so pale and beautiful at the same time?”

  The fact that he loved her for who she was and not because her skin was supposed to be some creamy expression of perfection made her heart skip beats. He sucked a bit of skin on her hip as his fingers dived between her legs. He stroked her slit, teasing her. The moisture on his hands made her want to thrust up, but she knew he liked to play. When she was sure she couldn’t take any more, his fingers went to her clit.

  She was so sensitive, just a flick of his fingers made her want to swear in several languages. With her translator, she could accomplish that.

  She whined. Later she’d think about that. Now she was thrusting her hips up as she tried to capture his head to force it between her legs.

  “You’re so greedy.” His head lowered, taking her clit into his mouth. She might feel bad if his words hadn’t been spoken with need and possession. He sucked on her while his fingers opened her up slowly. It didn’t matter how many times they made love to her or which one it was. They treated her like she was a precious mate to be made love to tenderly.

  “I need you deep inside of me.” She was trying to ride his finger. She needed more than one. He was teasing her, driving her higher but never giving her the pleasure she sought. When he added a second one, she could have cried in relief, but it wasn’t enough. She needed bigger, thicker, longer. She needed his cock buried deep within her.

  “Malic,” She groaned. There was nothing else to say. He pushed her back onto the mattress before he rose over her. He was like aqua man rising from the depths of the ocean or the god of space becoming mortal enough to step foot on the planet they inhabited. He was everything she ever wanted and so much more.

  Her legs went to the side even as he found a place for his marvelous hips between them. His fingers cupped her jaw before he thrust.

  “Hell, yeah,” came out in gurgled sounds as she slid deep inside of her. She felt it again. That place inside of her that she didn’t know existed. It reached out and welcomed Malic home. This time was different. She could see a lock that started with her and led to him. Then there was one come back. But that wasn’t it. There was another one from her to Cassic and back. There was one from Malic to Cassic. They were a triangle, a triad.

  “What were you expecting?”

  This couldn’t be real. It was her imagination, but she felt compelled to answer.

  “Sex. I thought to be a real triad, we all had to join, to become one.”

  “Do you believe it is the joining of the physical body that makes a couple?”

  “Yeah, to some degree.”

  “Then what about those who are incapable of sex? Are their marriages null and void?”

  She never thought about it. “I don’t know.”

  “Sex and love don’t go hand in hand. Not even in a triad relationship. It’s not the sex that joins you; it’s the love. Remember that. Enjoy.”

  Malic thrust deep, bringing her back to herself. She screamed out when he twisted inside of her. How did he do that? She didn’t care. Her fingers latched onto his shoulders, riding the waves that he started inside of her.

  “Want you… need you.” Her words came out broken as he pulled her hips off the bed and began to drill into her. She wrapped her legs around him, holding on as her pussy convulsed around his cock.

  “Deeper, harder.” She loved it when he lost control and took her to the edge. Right where pain and pleasure battled each other for her attention. He always managed to make… her pants were louder as a high keening sound came from her.

  Lightning zinged up her spine, touching every place in her body before exploding around her. She was a live wire burning everything close. Malic’s deep growl of pleasure came next. The sound of it made her stomach convulse with more need as a second-round went off. He flooded the inside of her with his come as she shouted. When she finally came down, she looked around for the marching band. She was sure she heard a band as well as a sports commentator telling the crowd how well she had done.

  When she could manage it, she opened one eye to find Malic as exhausted-looking as she felt. There was a gold thread tying them together. All was right in her world for a little while.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “How are you feeling?” Cassic watched as Leela blinked her eyelids and slowly came back online.

  “I made it?”

  “You made it with flying colors.” He held out the tracking device to show her.

  “You did it.” The smile that came over her face made his heart wrench, but he kept his emotions from showing.

  “I did what I told you I would.”

  “Doesn’t matter, does it? They have my coordinates. They will still come.”

  “Tomorrow’s a mystery. All we have to go on is today.”

  “Yeah, still, it sucks.”

  “Payton is rubbing off on you.”

  She gave a shaky laugh. “I thought she would be here.”

  “I sent her home and told her I’d let Malic know when you woke.”

  “Thank you. Is there anything else?”

  Cassic held her gaze with a calculating gleam. “Do you trust me?”


  “Do you trust me?”

  The little bit of strength that she had seemed to desert her, making her look like the teenager she was.

  “Payton asked me about trust. My parents were the kind that if you gave your word, they believed you. They didn’t believe a person would go back on their word. I know better. I’m here because people say one thing when doing another.”

  He settled back into the chair and waited for her to go on.

  “The answer is no. I’m not very trusting. I don’t think I’ll grow out of it. There’s no telling what tomorrow will bring.” She held up the tracker that still had traces of her blood on it. “Are you trustworthy?”

  “I am.”

  “Yeah, that didn’t help.”

  He gave her a brilliant smile. “I didn’t
think it would.”

  “What each person considers trustworthy is just a bit different from the other. I trust Payton, I told her so. You should be a no brainer. You saved my people, then operated on me to take out the tracker. Those things should move me towards believing in you. They don’t.” She looked up at him, but nothing had changed. He was still sitting there watching her with a brilliant smile.

  “When I said I trust Payton. I meant I trust her one hundred percent. I’d follow her into a blazing ship based on the strength of my trust. Interesting what trust will do to you. Do I trust you? Yes, but not because of who you are. I trust you because Payton trusts you one hundred percent. Whatever you do, don’t throw away her love.”

  “I can live with trust that comes through my mate. Hang on; she’ll be here in a few.” He leaned over and pulled the cover around her shoulders. There was a part of him that wished he could see a leader. All he saw was a teen who needed a family. His mate needed a family too.


  “Do you think Cassic would be upset if he knew what we were up too?”

  “Do you get upset when you think of Cassic and me together?”

  She was shaking her head even as her eyes got wide. “That’s so hot.”

  “You answered your question. I also sent him a few mental images. He plans to get you alone as soon as possible.”

  “Mmm, I like that idea alone or the three of us. Do you feel strange sometimes?”

  “Are you feeling sick?”

  “No, but there are times when I feel, I swear, I feel something. It moves inside of me. At times I think it’s making a home in me or making room for others.”

  He picked her hand up and placed it on his chest. “There are times I ache here. I know that I have a partial bond with Cassic. It’s the other part of the bond that’s calling me, but I don’t want anyone other than you.”

  “I feel the same about you and Cassic.” She tilted her head. “Did you hear a whisper?”

  “Cassic was speaking to me. He says that you can see Leela. She’s asking about you. Did you hear that?”

  “No, it felt like a whisper over my skin.” She kissed him before getting up. “I’ll send Cassic home. I already know he needs to take a soni, eat, and get some sleep.”

  “Are you going to spend the night there?”

  “Not if I don’t have to. I hate not sleeping with my males.” She changed clothes and was out the door.

  The walk wasn’t that long, but it gave her a chance to think about what was coming up in her life. She wanted to hold on tight and refuse to let go. That would cause more trouble than any of them needed. All she could do was fight for what was hers and accept what happens.

  “Anyone miss me?” Payton walked in with a light voice, refusing to show how much she hurt when she thought of her pseudo-family.

  “Right on time.” Cassic met her at the door with a tight hug and a kiss. “Leela is lying down.”

  “Does she have to stay here?”

  “Yes. I have the monitors on her. If anything happens, I’ll be alerted immediately.”

  “That means she can’t go home?”

  “There’s no one there to watch over her.”

  “So, as long as she has someone with her, she’s okay to leave.”


  She threw her hands up. “I’m just asking.”

  “Yes, if she had someone who lived with her full time, then she could go home. I don’t want her alone.”

  “I wish every male in the universe was like you or Malic. Eat and get some rest. I’ll see you soon.” She watched him leave before going into the room where Leela was waiting for her.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Like I just had surgery?”

  “I’d hate for you to miss that ‘someone beat me up all over’ feeling that only surgery can bring.”

  Leela choked as she tried to laugh. “Don’t make me laugh; it hurts more.”

  “Sorry, baby girl.”

  “Baby girl?”

  “Yeah, about right now, you look like you’re three. Your dark skin is flushed with pink, and you look like you just went through the wringer. I want to crawl in bed with you and place you on my lap so I can rock you and take away all your pain.”

  “You should be a mom.”

  “We don’t always get what we want.”

  Leela held up the tracker she had clutched in her hand. “Did you see this?”

  “I did, it's still putting out a signal.”

  “It doesn’t matter if it’s inside or out. It’s determined to end my life.”

  “We could destroy it.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  Payton searched until she found the hammer. They placed the tracker on the floor, then Payton beat it to a pulp.

  “Well, I feel good.”

  Leela tried to cover her mouth as she giggled at Payton.

  “Now, is this your idea of a great place to stay, or do you think we should move you to a better bed?”

  “Cassic said.”

  “Leela, are you blushing?”

  “No, besides, he’s old!”

  Payton walked up to her hands on her hips. Then she bent down until she was in her ear and whispered, “some of the best ones are.” They laughed together until tears came. “You keep those hands to yourself, missy, he is mine.”

  Leela went to protest, but the sparkle of life and love in Payton’s eyes said it all.

  “Now, are you ready to go home?”

  “I wish I could, but I live alone.” The heaviness of being the leader of her small group settled on her shoulders.

  “How about you let me carry that burden, and I’ll help you get dressed?” Silently they got her clothes on.

  “You know they’re coming for me.”

  “Maybe they won’t have noticed the tracker.”

  “I wish I could believe that one. You don’t even believe it.”

  “Doesn’t stop me from praying for it.”

  “One day, you will have to tell me about your gods.”

  “One day.”

  “When they come, I’m going to go with them as long as they will leave everyone else in peace.”

  “What did we say about believing in people?” Payton helped her stand, and they started the walk back to her house.

  “Aren’t we going in the wrong direction?”

  “Nope, I’m taking you home.” They walked in the door to find Malic and Cassic setting the table.

  “Told you she’d be here before it was time to eat.” Malic went to open the door to Leela’s room.

  “You can decorate the room however you want.” They were standing on the threshold. Leela was staring in the room. Her mouth lightly dropped in shock.

  “You did this for me? How did you know?” The room was done with a bright lavender and accents of black. “It beautiful.”

  The room reminded Payton of something she had seen on a teenager’s post once. She hadn’t been sure, but when Leela’s friends told her Leela’s favorite colors, she couldn’t resist.

  “I’m glad you like it. You may be the leader of your people, but until you get a little older, you have a house and a family right here.”

  “How old,” Leela asked, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

  “How old do you have to be until you can leave?”

  “Something like that.” She walked into the room, placing her hand along the black strip in the room.

  “Let me put it this way if you’re still living here when you're fifty, I won’t complain.

  Leela wrinkled her nose before throwing herself into Payton’s arms. Neither said anything as they held each other.

  “Thank you,” Leela whispered, trying to hide her face.

  “No, baby girl, thank you. I put some clothes in there for you. Fluffy pajamas. Humor me. Come out when you’re ready to eat.”

  Payton took a deep breath and turned around to face the fire.

  “You should put on your own f
uzzy pajama’s,” Malic kissed her before going back to the kitchen.

  “You do look a little uncomfortable.” Cassic shot her a look as he slipped a tee over his head.

  Why was she surprised? They got her long before they set up house together. This was her family. No, they didn’t look alike, but that was okay. When she was on the earth sticking with her own, she had nothing and no one. Here she was out in space doing things she never believed possible, and she had this family that if she were on earth would be looked down on. If she had known that her life of pain would lead her here to this time and space where love meant something, she would have volunteered.

  A quick change later, she was in the kitchen with Malic and Cassic, who were grumbling over which one made the best dinner. Leela curled up in a chair they brought in for her. Everyone was laughing and throwing in comments. It was the family she always wanted. It was made up of two blue males, one black teen, and herself. The only thing they were missing was a baby.

  “Payton,” Leela called her over.

  “Don’t try to get out of dinner.”

  “I’m not. I want you to do something for me?” She picked at the cover that was tucked around her shoulders and waist. Cassic didn’t think she was warm enough without it.

  “Do I want to hear this?”

  “No more than I want to say it. Protect my people if I don’t make it. They are the last, the few, the faithful.”


  Leela raised her hand, stopping Payton. “Please, this is important. They are coming; I can feel them drawing closer. We, the casillians are prized for our planet. It produces the neon light that most of the galaxy has come to rely on. As times have gotten harder for our people, its production has decreased. That’s what the ones who took over my planet want. In order for the planet to open to them, they must kill me and then convince the planet they are worthy of its sacrifice. They will never be worthy, and the planet will never produce a large quantity of neon again.