Alexei Read online

Page 12

  She turned her head quickly, hair smacking into her face as she looked at him with stinging eyes as water drifted into them. Alexei was sitting outside the shower his back resting against the glass of the shower stall. She wanted him even though her mind kept telling her to let him go.

  “Why are you sitting there?”

  “I need to be close to you, but I figure the way you left in a huff meant you wouldn’t appreciate me barging into your shower.”

  “Oh…” her face pulled up and a brow wrinkled.

  “The hardest thing I ever did was jump in that hover car when you asked me to. I wanted to defy you, run in front of you and take that snake woman down.”

  “Why didn’t you, I mean why did you do as I asked?”

  “I needed you to know I trusted you. I won’t always be able to be there and I wanted you to know you had the power within yourself to save us. And you did. Your plan was an ingenious one I would never have thought of. I’m all about brute force, strength and claws. You’re about cunning and skills that I think you’re just beginning to appreciate.”

  He kept her off balance just when she was sure she had it all figured out. The goodbye speech she was practicing in her head flew away. The only thing she felt was the need to touch him, to get lost in him. She needed his taste in her mouth and the feel of his skin on her fingers.

  “Get in here,” she growled softly. He wasn’t the only predator in the room.

  Alexei stood and stripped entering the shower.

  “I need you, Amber, soft and sweet is nice but…”

  “I want it all, Alexei, I can take whatever you have to give and then serve it back to you on a golden platter.”

  His eyes changed, those rings glowed with an inhuman brilliance and he lunged at her pushing her against the back of the shower knocking the breath out of her.

  She snarled like she was an animal driving his need higher.

  “Amber, my control is shot. I don’t want to hurt you.” His words came out in ragged breaths.

  “Hurt me, Alexei. I can take it.”

  His mouth went to her neck clamping down as his fingers went to her breast pinching her nipple making her howl with an intense pain that was followed by a pleasure that made her pussy convulse on the edge of an orgasm.

  “Give me your wildness, Alexei, let it mingle with mine.” Her voice was low and seductive in his ear as her hands trailed down his back.

  Her finger arched and she clawed down his back applying pressure so he felt her.

  “Mark me, Wild Cat!” He breathed in her ear before his mouth caught hers in a wild kiss.

  She bucked against him needing to feel his thickness pressed against her.

  “Careful, Cat or you’ll get more than you bargained for.”

  “Chatty alien. I’d think I would be impaled by now.”

  He caught her wrists holding them above her head as his eyes changed shapes to allow his beast free reign. He held her down tight against the wall stepping back to look at her lush curves. His tongue licked his lips as he sniffed at her, smelling her need rushing up to meet his nostrils which flared wide.

  He took his thickness in his hand caressing it from root to tip. She moaned dying at the sight. A growl was forced between her lips as she bucked trying to get closer to him.

  He gave a low laugh that came out as a half snarl. Kicking her legs apart, he stepped between them. He met her eyes, halting her movements with his intense stare. With a move of his hips he impaled her, invading her depths and seating himself deeply within her.

  A howl came from them as he ground deeper. He pulled out and pounded into her again.

  “Alexei,” she breathed out fighting against his hold on her wrists.

  “Not this time, Wild cat,” he hissed out from between his lips and he swung his powerful hips impaling her once again on this thick staff. “Give it to me, I want to feel you come apart.”

  She moved her hips meeting his thrust for thrust. The need to come tore her apart with jagged nails and still she held on. The desire to climb higher gripped her tightly in its grasp.

  “Not yet,” she panted. Her body twisted around him rubbing his hardness at different angles, taking her higher as she denied them both the ultimate satisfaction.

  “Give it to me, Amber.” He hit her with three powerful thrusts in a row making her squeal something unintelligible.

  “No,” she lowered her head and nipped at his neck. “Take me higher than the coaster we rode on earlier, Alexei. I want to touch heaven.”

  “Amber…” his voice warned her not to push him.

  “I. Don’t. Care.”

  His hips moved into her with the force of a shot gun being fired repeatedly, he pounded deeply within her. She lifted her legs wrapping them around his legs letting him take the burden of keeping her up right.

  “Again, Alexei.” She screamed as she reached for the light ahead of her.

  He changed angles and drilled into her one last time taking her over the edge.

  A ball of sensation ripped through her body, down her spine, and ended in the twisting sensation in her pussy as her orgasm rolled through her making her eyes close with it. Fireworks went off in her head as her body shot towards a heaven she never imagined existed. She would never give this up, she would never give him up. Now she needed a way to convince him he was hers for all eternity.

  She floated on a soft cloud as she felt him erupt in her, a wicked smile crossed her face tinged with a joy she never knew she could find in another’s arms.

  He released her arms; she brought then down struggling to lift them to place small strokes along his back and side.

  “Alexei.” His name came out as one long sigh.

  “Bedroom.” He took them out of the shower on unsteady legs. She was still connected to him and couldn’t be bothered to open her eyes.

  She felt him grab the towel and try to dry them off. She giggled with his unsteady efforts. Finally, he dropped it and muttered something about having to change the sheets in the morning anyway.

  The soft bed came up to meet her and his body pressed down on her; she could feel his thickness hardening up.


  He growled and moved his hips. He needed her again. “Slow this time, the way it should be with you.”

  “I like hard and fast, Alexei. The way it should be with you.”

  “Humor me, Wild Cat, I want to worship you. Treat you like my queen. You deserve all that and more.”

  He pulled out nice and slow taking his time to rub against the walls of her pussy. Her breath came out in one long hiss of pleasure as he withdrew.

  He slowly began to sink back into her. “I want to pay homage to your beauty and your skill.”

  She arched her body into his, the slow drive of his hips making her want more.

  “I love the way you keep me on my toes.” His words were filled with awe as he sank deeper.

  Amber raised her hips to meets his, crying out as he slid over her sweet spot teasing her but never giving her what she really needed.

  “I want to master you the way you master me.” He pulled out slowly trying to increase her agony, her pleasure, her need. I want to dominate you. Push you to higher heights.”

  “Yes, Alexei!” She twisted underneath him.

  “But you want to leave me!” He pounded into her, the erotic sound of flesh hitting flesh the only sound until she screamed her pleasure.

  “Not. Going. Anywhere.” She locked her ankles in the small of his back and clenched her muscles around the thickness of his cock.

  He fought this time as he pulled out of her as she fought to keep him in, the pleasure of his withdrawal making them both keen before he sunk back into her making her lose her mind.

  She thrust upwards needing the relief she knew he could give her.

  “Need you, Amber.” His thrusts increased as his breathing labored faster.

  “I’m here, Baby. I’m right here with you.”

  Words cea
sed as he moved faster plunging deep into her body and retreating, making her work for each and every sensual riptide that flowed through her.

  She followed him move for move feeling that beautiful coil that started in her belly and flowed through her entire body. Her scream of release was followed by his as warm jets of his essence filled her.

  He rolled over taking her with him.

  “I think I’m going to need a few minutes to catch my breath after that.” Still breathing hard through her words, she patted his arm.

  She snuggled into him loving the way they were still intimately connected.

  “I’m not sure that was slow and easy.”

  “That’s ok, Wild cat, we have years to work on it.”

  “Alexei,” she sounded sad.

  “Years, Amber. If you run, I will give chase. When I catch you I’ll bring you back here and seduce you again. One day you’ll see it my way. I’m not losing you.”

  He tilted her chin up until he could capture her lips in a wild kiss.

  “Alexei, I don’t want you to watch me grow old and die.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I never heard anyone say Hybrids could mate like the Created.”

  The look on Alexei’s face made her heart plummet.

  Chapter Nineteen

  She was beautiful. Alexei watched her sleep, her legs were kicked out and she moved to his side of the bed seeking his heat. He ran a hand through his hair and started pacing.

  She was right. He didn’t know if he could take a mate like his father and the other Created. No one even speculated on it because they believed the Hybrids were still too young to feel the biological imperative to mate. They were wrong. It had taken all he had not to bite her neck. He was already caught up in the idea of bright eyed little girls who looked like Amber with eyes that looked like his.

  They would be so cute. He lifted his arms imagining carrying around a little girl like that. He frowned when he imagined a whole flock of boys following her home. Life, they would survive the war in anyway possible. They would live but life without Amber wouldn’t be much of one. He sighed, looked like he was going to have another heartfelt talk, one that he would start.

  He crawled into the bed and pulled Amber into his arms. Her soft cry of recognition as she cuddled into him relaxed his heart. He wouldn’t tell her yet, but he knew Hybrid’s mated for life and he was going to find out how.

  The ringing of his c-phone was annoying, not as annoying as his father calling his name. He hit his hand against his head trying to get his father’s voice to go away. He heard it again louder this time. He sat up in bed the voice wasn’t in his head it was in his house.

  “Alexei!” Aran’s voice came up the stairs.

  Please be a dream he groaned to himself. “Dad?”

  “Get up, time’s wasting. Your mom brought more clothes for Amber. Isn’t it time for you to take her home to get her own?”

  “Isn’t there a rule that parents stay out of their children’s love life?” He groused to himself.

  “Did you say something, Son?”

  “No, Father.”

  “Darn Created hearing,” he murmured lower.

  Lifting his eyes, he gave Amber a stare as she laughed on the bed before she stretched like a cat. He wanted to join her but couldn’t because his father was downstairs. Now he totally understood why they sound proofed their room. Soon, he promised himself he would do the same thing.

  “I’m going to go get the clothes my mom brought you.” He threw on a pair of pants. “Today we go to your place, a mall, or a thrift store; I really don’t care where as long as you have a full wardrobe over here. My mom would show up every day to bring you clean clothes. That way she would get to see me and now you. We have got to stop making her day, at least in this way.”

  He left the room to jog down the stairs.

  “Dad, Mom,” he crossed into the play room to kiss her on her cheek.

  “Thanks for bringing Amber clothes. We will be getting her some unless something has happened that requires our attention.” He looked at his father to see if there was anything he needed him to do.

  “We’re all going to be getting together at Hale and Janis’s for brunch. That way we can go over what we have learned so far and make sure everyone is in the loop. Hale has found some interesting things thanks to the back door you were able to open for him. Excellent move, Son.”

  “Thank you, Amber and I did it together.”

  “Excellent work, Amber.” Aran raised his voice to make sure she heard him.

  “Thank you,” came floating down the steps.

  “We will have to talk about her soon.” He lowered his voice this time.

  “I love her, Dad.”

  “Good, then we will talk soon.”

  Rena rose from the couch she was sitting on, a smile on her lips. “We will see the two of you at Hale’s in an hour. Let’s go, Aran. Amber,” she raised her voice, “I will talk to you soon.”

  They walked out leaving Alexei to stare after them. Shaking his head, he took the steps one at a time.

  “Alexei,” Amber looked at him as he walked back into the room. “Isn’t there an unspoken law about parents not coming in when your girlfriend is over?”

  “Unless Aran made the law he really doesn’t respect it. He only follows the laws on Earth to keep from bringing attention to his family. Besides, you should be happy Ash didn’t decide to visit, but you can bet your sweet cheeks if we’re late he’ll be over here looking for you.”

  “And that’s my cue to take a shower alone, stay out!” She was laughing as she disappeared into the bathroom. “You need a maid.”

  “Want the job?”

  “Heck no, it’s hard enough to keep my condo clean.”

  She made quick work of the shower and as she came out she asked as nonchalantly as possible.

  “What do you think your mom meant when she said she’d be seeing me.”

  “I wondered if that was bothering you.” He gave her a smug grin causing her to toss the towel she just finished using at him.

  “Who wins?” He stared at her naked body with greed.

  She glared at him and growled stamping her foot just enough to let her breasts bounce.

  He licked his lips and took a step towards her.

  She frowned at him stopping his progress.

  You’re human, Amber, figure it out. I think it’s an Earth custom for the mother of the male to check out his intended.”

  Her eyes flashed deep brown with pain.

  “Don’t look like that, Amber. We’ll figure it out.”

  She nodded. “You probably should get in the shower, we’re running out of time. Besides, any moment my Dad could decide to see what’s taking us so long.”

  He disappeared into the bathroom while she picked up the lotion his mother had thoughtfully included this time. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she applied the lotion while trying to imagine being old and gray with Alexei while he looked the same as he did today. It tore at her heart. Then she tried to imagine leaving him, moving away from not only him but the family she grew up with. She blinked her eyes fast, she would not cry.


  She thought back, she was sixteen again. Sweet sixteen, what a year that had been. It was when she first realized how different she truly was.

  “Happy birthday, Amber.”

  She turned and smiled, Ash was standing there with a big grin on his face.

  “I can drive!” She squealed before throwing herself into his arms for a hug.

  “I’m glad you’re not too old to hug me.” He squeezed her tight before letting go.

  “I got you a present.”

  That wicked smile, the one she loved so much was back. His red hair was glowing and his mouth was turned up on the ends and he looked so mischievous. It suddenly occurred to her he had looked the same her whole life. While other fathers were growing old he stayed the same more constant than
the shoreline.

  “What will happen when I turn old?” Her smile faded allowing a frown to mar her face.

  “You’re sixteen, Amber now’s not the time to think of getting older, it’s a year to celebrate.”

  “But what happens when I’m sixty-one and you still look the same, how will I be able to introduce you as my dad? Forget that, what about when I’m thirty?”

  “No one knows what tomorrow will bring, as far as when you’re thirty I’ll eat anyone who dares to say I’m not your father.”

  The threat had brought a smile to her face and laughter.

  “Now let’s go see your present.”

  She screamed. Of course she hoped but you just never knew. It was what she wanted, the most perfect car around. Not just any car, it was sleek and fast. Throwing her arms around his neck, she planted kisses all over his face before grabbing the keys and insisting she take him out for a ride. He hung on for dear life as she made the corners but he was teasing. She hoped.

  Her dad was right, she had no idea what tomorrow would bring. All she knew was she wasn’t giving up Alexei today.


  She glanced at the clock on his wall. “We have fifteen minutes, Alexei. You need to be ready.”

  He came out the bathroom looking good enough to eat which reminded her she still needed to taste him. Lick the head of his gorgeous cock and taste his essence on her lips.

  “All dressed,” he spun for her. “Although I’m not opposed to you undressing me.”

  “Fourteen minutes, why do you do this to me?”

  “You know you want to,” he lifted the hem of his shirt.

  She licked her lips, “Ash bursting in finding me naked and you…”

  “Let’s go, Amber. What’s taking you so long?”

  He held out his hand she came over to catch it. They ran out the room and down the steps laughing all the way to the garage.

  Life was good. She gave Alexei a big grin.


  Life sucked. Amber was caught upstairs in a guest bedroom with Rena who was showing her baby pictures of Alexei. Rena was sitting in a comfortable chair going on about how Alexei was such a cute baby. Amber remembered, she was there.