Enzo: The Wolves Den: A BBW Scifi/Paranormal Romance Read online

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  The one on the right was just as good looking, but the one on the left was making her wet. Shit, she needed a job, not a roll in the hay.

  Why can’t we get both? Yep, she was ignoring that.

  “Hi, I saw your help wanted sign and came in to apply for the position.”

  “You want to be a waitress?’ The guy on the right said forcing her to take her gaze away from his friend.

  “No, I don’t have any experience but you said you were willing to train a bartender, and I’m willing to learn. Sounds like a match made in heaven.”

  Darn it when would she learn not to say stupid things. It’s a wonder she ever landed a job.

  “I’m not sure about that position.”

  No, hell no. She was tired of being rejected. It didn’t matter if it was skin color or body size she wasn’t putting up with it anymore.

  “So what’s your issue? Is my skin too dark or is my body to big? Do your patrons only like women who look like Barbie? Or do they like them with just a little meat on their body but not full figured like me? Maybe somebody forgot to tell them that black is beautiful. Go ahead surprise me. Tell me which one you have a problem with or it is both of them.”

  Why Deja, why? Do I ask for a lot? Okay maybe I ask for a lot, but only recently and then you threaten to lock me in the cage with my friend because you say I can’t keep my hands to myself.

  For once she felt sorry for her libido. It was unfair to meet someone as hot as this and find out the male was a pig.

  It wasn’t her libido that was concerning her it was the voice in the cage. She was practically growling now, rubbing her body against the cage like she was in heat. That feeling she got like sometimes there was something just a little bit different about her came back.

  “Why don’t we start over again. That’s Declyn, and I’m Enzo. Declyn’s in charge around here, but I usually handle the hiring.”

  Enzo she would so be dreaming about him tonight.

  “I’m Deja, and all I want is a job.” She lifted her chin and stuck her chest out saying without words that she was proud of who she was.

  “Pity, I want so much more,” Enzo gave her a wink.

  “Enzo,” Declyn’s voice held a warning in it.

  What’s his problem all her voices asked at once?

  “Declyn the law of the land says we can’t base our hiring practices on preference. If we can’t hire her, we need a viable reason. Forgive him this is sort of new to both of us. Neither of us has a problem with your size. In fact, I would say you’re just about perfect. We’re big men, and scrawny women don’t appeal to us. Nothing against them either it’s just that I want to know my female can take my body.”

  God help her now because she could feel a line of wetness trickling down to her panties. Her libido was presently rolling around and enjoying the sensation as if she never felt pleasure before.

  Anger was killing her joy, though. It kept pointing out if it wasn’t her size then it must be her color they had a problem with.

  She opened her mouth to blast him.

  “I’m not finished yet.”

  She closed her mouth and waited she could blast him in a few minutes.

  “You mentioned your color. You are an enticing brown. I want to lick you, everywhere.” He threw her a quick grin. “Your color does not put me off it doesn’t even put Declyn off. What worries us about you, and personally excites me is that you are female.”

  She opened her mouth closed it and tried to process what her gender might have to do with anything.

  “Oh. Is this a gay club?” No wonder they would want males.

  “No,” Enzo shook his head. “It’s also not anti-gay. What I’m trying to say is that the majority of our clients are males. Big, tall, strapping.” Shifters from another planet and you are like freaking catnip among males that haven’t had a female in over four hundred years.

  “That’s ok I can deal with men. I mean I see them every day. I worked with men every day in my previous job. I need this job.” She stiffened, she hadn’t meant to say that, but if she didn’t have a job soon, there wouldn’t be money for a deposit on someplace else to live. Right now she was looking at a shelter or her friend’s couch and neither of those appealed to her.

  “Have a seat while we go and discuss your application.”

  She nodded and watched as they went back through the door they came through. It wasn’t as if she gave them references or anything. With a sigh, she dropped into one of the comfortable armchairs. She should be sitting at the bar trying to look professional but she was tired and how she sat wasn’t going to get her the job. She either had it, or she didn’t.

  They were gone a while, so she closed her eyes and grabbed a small nap in a place that made her feel safe.


  She opened her eyes to see Enzo’s hand on her arm. His hand made her feel small almost petite. It felt like between the two of them he was bigger, someone she could curl up against, someone who would offer her security. She shook her head coming back to reality even as she felt the heat from his hand flooding her and traveling through her body. At this moment between sleep and wakefulness, she knew this was as it was meant to be.

  “Well, what did the two of you decide,” her voice was a little thick with sleep, and she could have sworn she heard him swallow a groan.

  “We’re going to give you a chance. A thirty-day probationary period. If at any time during this period you feel we are the wrong place for you or we feel you are wrong for this place, we will part ways no explanation needed.

  She tilted her head and considered his offer although it was the only one she had on the table right now. She liked it. At least she knew she had a job. She wouldn’t think about losing it for now. Wait when did they want her to start?

  “When does the job start?”

  “Tonight. Can you be here at eight? Your shift will go from eight until two.”

  “I can be here.” Lucky her she even owned mace so walking home at night shouldn’t be a problem.

  He took her hand and helped her to stand up. She wasn’t sure what happened maybe she tripped, all she knew was that she was flush against his big body. It felt like he moved against her like he was marking her. Her nipples didn’t care as they pebbled nice and hard. Her panties gave up being dry the moment she laid eyes on him. Her thighs were shaking, and it wasn’t because she was tired. Her pussy was throbbing. There is no way one stumble against a male should have her body acting like this. Okay, she needed sleep before she came back.

  He walked her to the door, and she was standing on the porch before she realized it. She couldn’t wait to call her best friend and tell her all about it.

  Chapter Three

  The alarm clock went off waking her out of a pleasant dream where she was being held in a pair of muscular arms and kissed senseless by a male with green eyes. She hated alarms clocks. She rolled over to turn it off and noticed it said seven. Why was it going off so early, it wasn’t like she had a job?

  The word job triggered memories of the day, and she rolled out the bed almost hitting the floor in her haste to get up. She had a job. She took a quick shower before jumping out and looking in the mirror. She looked at her hair and once again told herself she did the right thing. When it had been time to get her mass of hair done again, she considered the cost and thought about her ability to eat and then cut it all off. She’d been natural now for a few weeks, and though she still looked strange to herself, she was getting used to it. That combined with the fact that she didn’t need almost forty-five minutes to curl her hair was making her happy.

  The ringing phone brought her out of her thoughts. Her time was running out, and she needed to leave soon so she would dress and talk at the same time.


  “Deja where have you been? I’ve been calling you and please don’t tell me you’re still in that apartment building.”

  “Calm down Fire, you know I can stay here until the end of the

  She could hear her best friend Safire stewing on the other end of the line, but she didn’t want to move in with her. She loved her, but two plus sized females in a small apartment wasn’t going to work out well.


  “I found a job.”

  “Where? What will you be doing? Is it in a doctor’s office? I’m so happy for you!” The part came out high pitched. Her friend loved to celebrate when things went right in Deja’s life.

  “Not a doctor’s office, a club.”

  “A club?” Safire screeched that.

  Deja took the phone away from her ear and used the time to slip into her shoes. It was warm outside, so she didn’t need a coat. She grabbed her purse made sure she had her keys and mace. She looked in her wallet to make sure she had a little money so she could buy something to drink on her break and maybe even get a sandwich if they served food. She headed out the door still talking to her friend who was having fits on the other end of the line.

  “Deja Brown, you don’t even like alcohol. How can you work at a club?”

  “All I have to do is pour the drinks, not down them. Besides, I like daiquiris.” She was walking fast because she didn’t want to be late on her first night of work.

  “The non-alcoholic kind!”

  “Well, I’m turning over a new leaf give me alcohol and plenty of it as long as I make money I don’t care.”

  It was still summer so it was light out and she could swear that was the third time she saw that car pass by her. Maybe she was wrong talking to Fire was distracting her. She almost felt like she was in some other world because the streets seemed out of order to her but she recognized the house on the corner, so she turned down it and ended up in front of the club with ten minutes to spare.

  “I don’t know the name of the club. Well, there’s no sign out here with the name, and yes it is a club. It has the look of an upper crust gentlemen’s club. Nope, I don’t know the address. Yeah, you’re right I’m falling down on the things I should know. Uhuh, I will text you all this information on my break. I have to go and yeah you know my phone has a chip so you can find it anywhere. Later.”

  She acts like she’s our mother.

  The sarcastic voice in her head said with a slight sneer.

  Thank God, we have her, or we’d be all alone.

  The other voices ganged up on Ms. Sarcastic. Safire had kept them safe more than once. She took a deep breath before making her way up the steps. Maybe the night hadn’t started since she couldn’t hear a sound coming from inside.

  One pull on the door told her how wrong she was. The music was playing, there were loud voices most of them male and laughter causing the club to vibrate. They all stopped to stare at her when she stepped inside.

  Maybe this was a mistake because they were all big. Like almost seven feet tall big with eyes that almost seemed to glow and teeth that seemed a little too sharp when they smiled real wide. The one male at the bar was drinking as he watched her.

  “My, my what do we have here. She’s a pretty bite-sized morsel.” He grinned at her taking a deep breath as if he were scenting the air. “She stinks.”

  A frown crossed her face. She took a shower and made sure to put on deodorant. She sniffed at herself but couldn’t smell a thing.

  “Remember that scent because it will be the last thing you ever smell if you put one hand on her.” Enzo walked out from behind the bar. “You’re right on time. Follow me I’ll show you where to clock in and store your things.”

  She nodded and followed him. She hadn’t been sure what the dress code was, so she put on a pair of black slacks with a white shirt. He took her behind the bar to another door on the side. Her body flared back to life reminding her that he seemed to have a direct line to her clit. She hoped that sleep would help, but it only seemed to make her hypersensitive to him.

  “This is where you can put your purse and take your breaks if you want privacy. Make phone calls etc. We have a main office on the other side of the bar. That’s where you can find Declyn or me if were not on the floor.” The sound of his voice brought her out of her thoughts.

  “Thank you. I realized when I was coming here that I didn’t ask you some pertinent details earlier like how much will I make an hour, what’s the name of the bar and what’s the address.”

  They walked out of the main room into a door on the back wall that led into a small locker area where he gave her a lock and a key and assigned her a locker for her belongings. Then they went to the side where he showed her two small rooms each holding a shower.

  “Sometimes spills occur so you may want to keep an extra set of clothes here. As you can see we have two showers, and they both have doors that lock so there’s no fear of someone walking into the room while you’re showering.” She nodded looking around; the set up was nice catching her by surprise.

  The walked back out into the main room; there were nice chairs for sitting and a fridge to store food. Enzo indicated a chair for her to sit. Her mouth popped open when he told her how much she would make an hour. She would be able to afford a decent apartment.

  “We call this place The Wolves Den. It was catchy, and we like it. As for the address, it’s 1722 Wolverine Ave.”

  “Somebody is obsessed with wolves.”

  “Guilty,” Declyn said as he walked in. “I was just checking to see if you were here.”

  “I am,” she stood up feeling guilty that she was sitting when she should be on the clock. It wasn’t right, but she had wanted a few private minutes with Enzo, to bask in his presence and his smell.

  When she woke up earlier, she could have sworn that she smelled him on her sheets. She’d make sure she had eight hours before she got up tomorrow.

  “I’m ready.” Enzo nodded and led her through the door and into the bar area.

  “Deja this is Cole. He works the bar, and we’re hiring help for him. It can get rather brisk in here late at night. Cole this is Deja.” Enzo made his introductions and backed up while keeping his eyes planted on Cole.

  “Hi Deja,” Cole stuck his hand out. “Nice to meet you.”

  His hand was big and warm reminding her of Enzo, but she didn’t have the electric feeling of warmth circulating through her body.

  “Nice to meet you, Cole. I can’t wait to learn.”

  He gave a nice laugh and a friendly smile. “We’ll start out easy tonight. You’ll be responsible for the beer and anyone who wants a soft drink.”

  A round of boos went up at the mention of soft drinks, and she broke out into an amused laugh. The whole bar stopped to look at her. Those eyes she thought were shining earlier were ablaze now. She was closer to being clinically insane than she thought.

  “If you’re not drinking I’m kicking you out!” The whole bar started mumbling at Cole, but at least no one was staring at her now. She could do this. With a smile, Cole showed her which glasses he used for beer and which ones he used for soft drinks. She truly wasn’t much of a drinker, so she was amazed at the different glasses he used behind the bar.

  “Are you messing with me? You don’t drink?”

  “I’m telling the truth I had a couple of wine coolers when I was younger, and I even had sex on the beach and masturbation.” Her cheeks turned red even as she said the words.

  “It was on a dare wasn’t it?”

  She laughed, “It was. I had to go up to the bar and order them. That was back when I was in college. It feels like forever now.”

  She was wiping up the bar even though it didn’t need it. These males seemed to like things clean.

  “Well my teetotaller, you’re going to have to drink alcohol, so you know the different flavors. It will help you make sure the patrons are ordering what they need.”

  “I hope this doesn’t sound bad, but shouldn’t they know what they want to drink?’

  “Not always but I’ll explain that further after your thirty days are up.”

  She was fine with that. What she wasn’t fine with wa
s her stomach when it started to rumble.

  “Did you eat dinner?” He looked her over with a frown.

  “I didn’t have time; I’ll get something when I get home.”

  “Enzo!” Cole’s voice cut through all the noise. The door beside the bar opened, Enzo and Declyn stuck their heads out.

  It was obvious to her by the looks on their faces they were expecting trouble.

  “She hasn’t eaten.” His voice was calm as he pulled her back away from the bar putting his body in front of her.

  “Shit,” Enzo jumped the bar. Her eyes went wide while her hormones went into overdrive.

  “Damn she smells good,” A thick male voice said.

  “And this is why we don’t hire tasty little morsels like her,” Declyn said as he jumped the bar. “Get her fed.”

  “You want her you’ll have to go through me.” Declyn looked at them with a smile.

  She could swear his body was getting bigger. She wanted to protest, to stop the madness before it went any further but she was scared, and no matter what she said, she didn’t scare easily.

  Enzo took her by the arm and started pulling her into the other room. She knew it was him by the way his hand felt on her. His touch was different from the others, and she would have wondered about it, but she was too busy making sure no one jumped her.

  Chapter Four

  “What’s going on?” She rounded on him demanding answers.

  “Why didn’t you eat, Deja?” He ignored her, waiting for her answer. His hand went out and caressed the side of her face.