Enzo: The Wolves Den: A BBW Scifi/Paranormal Romance Read online

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  “You’re nice.” He was standing in the small entry way with the kitchen on his right and the bathroom on his left.

  “We’re all nice,” that lie almost caused her to choke.

  He shook his head slowly, “I met a pretty Earthling, but she wasn’t nice she laughed at me because her friends did.”

  The frown on his face that said he didn’t understand touched her heart. She was going to like Ven whether she wanted to or not.

  “Follow me.” She led him a few short steps into her living room/dining room combo. “Take a seat. Tell me Ven how old are you in umm Earth years.”

  He stiffened and looked towards the door.

  “It’s alright. It’ll just be our secret.”

  He nodded still wary, looking at her to see if she was trustworthy.

  “Sixteen?” she threw a number out there but by the look on his face she was off, and he was offended.

  “Enzo said, I’m like nineteen or twenty in Earth years.” He looked so proud of himself when he said it. “I was like ten when we first got here, but I’ve grown since then. Sometimes I miss the fighting and the noise.”

  “You miss your parents?” She took a seat on the other side of the couch.

  “Nah,” he shook his head a sad look coming over his face. “They didn’t want me that’s why they sent me to the battalion.”

  “The battalion? Is that what you meant by missing the fighting?”

  He brightened up. “Yes, they were one of the best groups. Declyn and Enzo let me into their battalion. I was way too young, but I would have either been killed by the enemy or starved if they didn’t let me in. The other groups just laughed at me and made bets that I wouldn’t make it long on my own.”

  Her eyes were blinking fast because she could see him as a kid trying to be tough as nails after his parent threw him away.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to take a shower and get changed. Then I’m going to make us breakfast, and we’re going to talk about this girl okay?”

  He gave her a shrug that said knock yourself out. “That would be nice.” His eyes, on the other hand, were suspiciously bright like no one ever took the time to mother him.

  She gave him a quick smile got up and collected her clothes before going to the bathroom.

  Do we have time for him?

  We can barely take care of ourselves now you’re trying to mother a whole different species.

  I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be okay.

  The last voice was caring and compassion. It was the last voice Deja expected to speak. They both had been used and abused. C&C now liked to keep her head down and her heart covered. All the voices in her head were silent as they looked at C&C, they missed her as much as Deja had.

  So yeah they would be mothering Ven as much as possible. If only to give caring and compassion something to do.

  She peeked deep inside like all her voices were doing, but love was still huddled up in a dark corner refusing to come out. With a sigh, she turned on the shower. It didn’t take her long to get ready. Ven sat slumped against the couch with his eyes closed like he hadn’t gotten much sleep. She gave him an hour before she started cooking.

  “Ven wake up its time to eat.”

  “It is?” His voice was groggy. One look at him and she could see his youth as plain as day.

  “It is. Come to the table. Why do you look older?”

  “We come into our maturity at a certain age. Declyn says we’re not mature, but our bodies stop aging. Coming into our maturity early allows us to fight for our planet and maintain the way of life there. I’m too young for a family, but I’ll never have one.”


  “What earth female would want one of us?”

  Chapter Six

  Lunch went well. She laughed with Ven listening to him tell stories about Enzo and Declyn that brought smiles to her face and a couple of tears because she laughed so hard she cried. He helped her clean-up, and now they were standing across the street from the female who had him crushing. It was adorable even though she felt it was a little stalker-ish.

  The girl was sitting on the porch and lived in the same neighborhood just about three blocks away. The porch had sturdy wicker furniture on it and a cute rocking chair, in which she happened to be sitting. There was a book in her hands and a pair of headphones on her head.

  Deja shook her head, kids today and then she smiled.

  “Isn’t she beautiful?” Ven whispered in her ear.

  As far as she could see the girl had mousy brown hair and she couldn’t be sure from the quick walk by she’d done a few minutes earlier, but she thought she saw blue eyes and rather pale skin.

  The girl looked up, and it was obvious, at least it was to Deja that she caught sight of Ven. Her entire countenance changed. Her eyes sparkled, her smile made her look like she could give the women in the Miss America Pageant a run for their money. And her body that looked dumpy now held itself with pride and a purpose.

  Deja had to turn and look at Ven again. He might be young but he wasn’t stupid and yeah that girl was gorgeous.

  The young girls smile disappeared when she caught sight of Deja. Deja moved back and tried to give the universal sign of I’m the parent. The girl must have gotten it because her smile returned and the sound Ven made earlier of pleasure returned. It was a low hum.

  She was starting to feel weird standing out here watching the two of them until two couples both around eighteen walked down the street. The girl on the porch caught sight of them and her whole body language changed.

  “Angel,” one of the girls walking down the street called out.

  Angel lifted her hand and waved back, but her heart wasn’t in it.

  “We were coming to see you. I’m happy you're sitting outside.” The other girl said.

  The two girls and their boyfriends stood in front of the porch but they never made a move to go up the stairs.

  Angel said something, but it was too low for Deja to hear. Turning to take a look at Ven, his face was stormy. Could he hear what she said, before she could ask, one of the girls said something loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Hey were going to a party tonight and wondered if you wanted to come?” The girl tilted her head up to look at angel. Her body language screamed I’m better than you.

  “Yeah,” one of the boys said leaning into the girl who just spoke. “We could use a mascot tonight, and you’re big enough to play the part.”

  The kids laughed and pain shot across angel’s face. Deja shot her hand out to catch Ven before he managed to walk across the street. He stilled, but she could see he was hurting her.

  “Pay him no mind,” the other girl said. “You know he can be a butt head at times. Look there will be lots of alcohol. Are you allowed to drink yet?” Again they went off into laughter.

  “Most of all we’ll all be drunk, and maybe Nate will be there and drunk. If you beg nicely, he might even fuck you, just to see what it’s like to be with a fat girl.” The other young man said causing them to laugh more.

  Angel got up. The humiliation on her face made Deja want to hurt the youth. They’re just children she reminded herself. Angel turned around and disappeared inside the doorway.

  “Come on angel,” one of the girls shouted. “You can’t be a virgin forever.”

  They laughed and took off down the street. Ven was practically vibrating in her grip.

  “Ven? Are you okay.”

  “Yeah, Declyn and Enzo told me something about girls and how they act.”

  “What did they tell you?”

  “They said girls no matter what planet they were from could be mean especially when they realized they would never be as pretty as the other girl. I keep trying to tell myself that those two girls could be pretty like Angel if they had more curves.” He shook his head and turned to look at Deja.

  “They can never be pretty,” he said softly. “It wouldn’t matter how many curves they g
ot. They’re just too mean on the inside.”

  “You’re right,” she said softly and pulled him away from the house.

  “I wish she would talk to me.” He got quiet and followed Deja.

  She found herself wrestling with the question he asked earlier. What earth woman would talk to one of them?

  We would take to Enzo.

  Deja gave a nod to acknowledge the voice in her head.

  Angel would talk to him. Caring and compassion said.

  Two things out of her in one day. Deja almost felt as if her life was making a change for the better.

  “You should eat some dinner. You’re starting to sound hungry.”

  Deja came to a stop and stared at him. Would he try to hurt her?

  “I would never hurt you. I promise you're nice.”

  He stood there waiting his heart buried deep, but she could almost see it through his eyes. He was waiting for her to reject him. If his parents could reject him, why would she want him?

  She threw her arms around him and hugged him tight.

  “You can’t hug me,” he whispered screamed. “I’m a stranger and girls don’t hug strangers cause that’s scary.”

  “I’m going to make an exception for you.” He pretended to struggle in her grip but stayed right where he was until she let him go.

  “Let’s go get dinner and then will you stay so you can walk me to the club tonight. That way nothing can happen to me.”

  He thought over her words. His face was serious as he weighed them. Finally, he nodded.

  “I think that’s a good idea. You are very fragile, and Enzo will be upset if anything happens to you.”

  “Good to know.” She turned and started walking home. She, on the other hand, would be upset if anything happened to Ven.

  She made dinner then got ready for her day at work. Before she knew it, they were walking out her apartment.

  “Why do you live here?” He looked around; the hallway floorboards were pulled up, exposing nails everywhere. They had to be careful when walking out, so they didn’t hurt themselves.

  “When I first moved here this place was nice. As the years went on it changed hands, and the new landlord didn’t care who he let in. He jacked the rent up and then sold it to new owners who see this place as a potential sweet income. I can’t even be mad at them because if I had the money I would have bought and upgraded it. I came up with several excellent ideas on how to make this property better. The thing is I don’t have any place to go, and I have to be out by the end of the month.”

  “What will you do?”

  She just shrugged and smiled it off. There were people in the world worse off than her. She’d find a way she always did.

  They were standing in front of the club

  “Are you allowed in the club?” She asked worry in her voice

  “Of course, I am.” He squared his shoulders reminding her of a proud teenaged male.

  “Are you allowed to drink?”


  “The alcohol?”

  “No, I’m limited to water and soft drinks. Cole says he needs someone who can make sure they’re still good. That’s my job. I heard you say you don’t drink last night maybe it can be part of your job now.” He had that calculating look the one she’d seen in Enzo’s eyes yesterday.

  “Nice try kid. I serve the drinks, and you test the soft drinks. No changing jobs.”

  He gave her a crooked smile and led her up the stairs. They walked into the club; all eyes were on them. Several of the men looked at Ven and snarled.

  They snarled. Deja would panic about it later because right now she was stepping in front of Ven and snarling back. A loud threatening noise came from her. More accurately it came for the voice in the cage, but she didn’t fight it this time. The whole club held its breath as Enzo and Declyn walked out.

  “What’s the problem?” Declyn asked.

  “The boys in the company of a female.” One of the males spoke up. “That’s not allowed. First, you take him in instead of allowing him to die as nature intended, and now he breaks the rules and finds himself an Earth female. She’s a bit old for him. I’ll take her off his hands or would you rather I just tear him limb from limb.” The male was addressing Declyn although he made sure to include Enzo in the conversation by making eye contact.

  Ven tried to step around her. “Try it and see what happens.”

  “Ven don’t say anything. I got this one.” Deja put on her badass bitch persona.

  Declyn and Enzo shook their heads at Ven stopping him from making a move.

  Deja glanced inside of her to realize the voice in the cage was scary. She looked like an animal and was growling.

  Open the door! We claim Ven like a son and nobody’s going to harm him.

  She opened the door and went to face the fool who opened his mouth when he should have swallowed his tongue.

  “Would you like to repeat any of what you just said? Or do you only threaten kids.”

  “Kid’s, do you know how old he is?” His voice was sarcastic.

  “No why don’t you tell me?” Her sarcastic side said waiting for an answer so she could pounce all over him.

  There was a growl in the room then he said, “Doesn’t matter. The point is he ain’t allowed to have a female. Wouldn’t know what to do with one. I’ll take care of you.”

  “I think it’s time we all get to know each other. I’m Deja, the bartender in training. No one gets to have me. When I pick a male, it will be all on my own. And it won’t be you.” She stared the man down she was facing. “Ven is off limits. If you touch him, I will kick your ass no questions asked.”

  “She’s like a wild Fera,” Declyn whispered. “And I think she just adopted Ven.”

  Enzo nodded and smiled. His female was fierce. They had been wrong. They could find mates among the mortals they just needed to be picky. Good thing more of them had killer curves like her.

  “As far as Ven not being able to have a girlfriend that rule no longer exist from this moment forward. He’s as worthy of a girlfriend as the rest of you are, except maybe you.”

  He growled and took a step toward her. She placed her hand in her pocket while growling back at him and came up with her mace.

  “Is that what they taught you, to hurt defenseless females?” Her voice was steady as she looked him in the eyes. They were green, and they were glowing with an inner fire. She waited for him to make a decision.

  “Just trying to live by the law of the land.” He grumbled and backed down. “Sorry kid.”

  She took a look around the club and realized that these males were lonely. Yeah maybe they wanted sex. Okay, who didn’t want sex but they were lonely for the sound of a female voice or even a hug or a touch on the arm. She was going to fix this she just didn’t know how.

  “How many of you like plus size women?” They just blinked at her.

  “If you could have a woman with a body type like mine or a body type like hers. Deja pulled up a picture of a slender female on the web. Not model skinny but acceptable in the norms of everyday society and showed it to them. To a male they picked Deja, even Ven picked her, but she already knew what he liked.

  A smile touched her lips she had an idea.

  Chapter Seven

  She turned around and ran into Enzo. When did he get behind her?

  “Hi,” her hands were braced on his chest to keep herself from falling. Her heart was beating fast while his scent made her body want more than she should from her boss.

  “I didn’t see you there. The guys and I were just having a little chat. Weren’t we guys?”

  She turned around and gave them a look that dared them to disagree with her. They smothered laughs and agreed with her.

  She turned back to smile at Enzo. “I’m ready for work.” Her voice dropped it was husky with need.

  His hand came up to caress her face. “Then you better go put your purse in your locker.”

  She nodded allowing her hand
to caress his chest before she walked away. Enzo disappeared into his office with Ven following behind him. How much would the kid tell him? With a shrug, she walked into the employee section she had a job to do.

  She stored her purse and then walked out. She opted for a pair of nice jeans today, not skinny ones because she liked breathing, but tight enough and a dark tank top.

  “Hi, Cole.”

  “Hey trouble,” He greeted her with a wide grin. “You know when I first saw you I wasn’t sure you were going to make it through the first day. Now I’m not sure we’ll make it through your thirty days.”

  She gave him a cheeky grin. “What’s first on the agenda today?”

  “Let’s make a drink. What’s your favorite?”

  “Well if I were going to a place that I had to order an alcoholic beverage I’d probably get a peach daiquiri.”

  “One peach daiquiri coming up.”

  She watched as he put peaches, crushed ice, lime juice, sugar and rum into a blender. He stopped when the mixture was still thick but smooth.

  “Now you try it.”

  “Something tells me that no one comes in here asking for a peach daiquiri.” She started imitating him looking every now and again at him to see if she was using the right amount of each ingredient.

  “You’re right they don’t. But now you can make something you didn’t know how to before.”

  She nodded he was right. She poured the daiquiri she made into a glass and sipped his first then sipped hers.

  “Hey, mine taste as good as yours does.” She gave him a big smile as she took another sip knowing she shouldn’t.

  “Drink it all up.”

  “You’re just trying to get me drunk.”

  “And face off with Enzo. No, thank you.”

  She sipped on her drink and worked pouring beer. She also learned how to give both scotch and vodka on the rocks. Her glass was empty, so she started on Cole’s glass, just taking a few sips. It’s not like two peach daiquiris could make her drunk.

  “Deja, take a break. Go grab something to eat from the fridge.”

  She nodded and picked up her glass.