Enzo: The Wolves Den: A BBW Scifi/Paranormal Romance Page 5
“I’ll be keeping that.” He took the glass from her and poured the rest down the sink. “I knew you were a light weight, but I couldn’t have imagined how much of one you were.”
What does he mean?
I’ve no idea.
Me either but that’s okay because we love him. We love everyone.
All the voices in her head agreed including anger. Today was one of the best day ever. She took a thirty-minute break making sure she ate a sandwich and chips before going back out front to see if she could make another daiquiri.
The door opened, and a male walked in. The new male reminded her of the males in the room, but something about the way he carried himself was different. If only her mind would work properly. He walked up to the bar and looked at her.
Cole shook his head when she started to walk over so she stayed back.
“I heard you had one of them in here, and I wanted to see if it was true. What are you gonna do train her to be a breeder? Make her take all of you on. That will kill her. I’m more than willing to kill her for you.” The males eyes were gray, they looked out of place in a club of green eyed males and they glowed. He had more of an animal look to him. She’d cross the street if she saw him walking toward her.
“At least you picked a pretty one, dark skin, thick curves.” He licked his lips and opened his mouth to show extremely pointed teeth. “I want some of her too.”
He’s talking about us. Let’s kick his ass.
Deja thought that was a good idea. Then the voice in her head passed out, flat on her back. Common sense was telling her to stay put, no matter how offended she was.
“No one touches her, especially you,” Cole said opening his mouth to show his teeth.
“I’m going to do more than touch. I suggest you move back if you want to live. Come on in boys. Change Cole, I’ve been dying to kill you.”
He moved back and his fangs grew longer his body bent tore apart and reshaped along with the males.
Everyone in the bar stood still as if they were waiting for something. Deja was waiting for the right moment to scream and run. She was nobody’s hero and damn it she wanted to live through this.
Declyn came waltzing out of the office with Enzo by his side.
“Avel, how many years since we’ve last seen you?” Declyn’s voice was calm like there weren’t monsters standing in his bar. “You’re always welcomed to come in for a drink. If you want a fight take it outside. If you mess up my club, I’m going to have to take it out of your hide.” He crossed to stand in front of the bar before jumping up and taking a seat on it. He was right in front of Avel.
Avel reared up and jumped. Declyn threw himself off the bar his body changing in a split second as he met him in the air. Then everyone changed. She was watching Enzo as he swapped forms.
“No, no, no.” Her head shook as she denied what she was seeing. Even Ven changed and was fighting. There were teeth and claws and loud snarls. How could she explain this? They weren’t even the sweet little wolves or bears she read about in her romances. No, they were straight up animals that didn’t exist on Earth.
She slipped into the back room and gathered her purse changed her shoes before coming out and edging her way around the fighting bodies.
You did the right thing getting out of there.
We can’t go back.
They’ll kill us now that we know.
We need to go to the authorities.
We can’t do that they will put us in the hospital for the insane.
The voice she let out of the cage simply howled.
It took one good look at her to realize a monster lived inside of her.
Deja just nodded her head to everything they said. They were insane but now wasn’t the time to talk about it. They needed to get home. That’s the only place they would be safe. Then she would call Fire and tell her to be careful. She’d also tell her what a good friend she was in case they tried to kill her.
A sigh of relief left her body when she made it out of the club. Things will be fine now she reassured herself as she walked down the street. She would move go to a different city, start over. No one would ever find her.
A car slowed down to a crawl next to her. She reached for her mace her survival skills telling her she was trouble.
A chill went down her back. The voice was low and dark. Please no, let Don leave me alone. She looked in the car feeling a shiver go down her back.
“He wants to see you.”
“Tell him to go to hell.” She’d never see him again.
“Doesn’t work that way. He summons, and you run to him.”
“I’ve never run to Matt, and I won’t start now. Tell him I’m off the market. I’d rather be alone than be with him.”
He leveled a gun at her. “Why don’t you tell him yourself.”
“Deja, camire why did you leave? I told you I was coming.”
“I knew you would catch up.” She gave him a playful wink while trying to stay on her feet. She was a little bit tipsy.
“Who’s your friend, camire?” Enzo walked up to her and pulled her close to his body. He dipped his head and kissed her nice and deep drawing a moan from her before he let her go. He looked like he had just been in a fight.
“Enzo,” she touched his wounds.
“Aww, you should see the other male. I believe Cole had to drag him out.”
He looked into the car and took a deep breath scenting the male sitting there.
“You must be a friend of Deja’s I haven’t met yet.”
“You don’t want to do this Deja; Matt has waited patiently for you.”
“Who’s been patient with her and what does he want? Maybe I can help him out. Tell him Deja has a special someone in her life and it would be better if he slipped back into the woodwork he came from.”
The man in the car grinned. “I’ll be seeing you when you’re eating dirt.”
“Enzo you shouldn’t have done that.” Her hand was on his chest her fingers fisting his shirt as she watched the car drive off. “I could take care of myself.”
“Yes, in your half-drunk state.”
“I’m not drunk.”
“I know, tell me about him.”
Are you crazy?
He’s an animal. Run.
He won’t ever hurt you. The monster in her head said as she slipped into the driver seat. For once Deja didn’t fight her.
She leaned against him as they walked towards her apartment. “The guy in the car is Don. He works for this guy his name is Matt. I saw one of his thugs trying to sell drugs to a baby, and I mean a baby. Maybe the child was eleven with more money than a kid should have. I stopped it. A couple of days later there was a knock at my door. It was Matt. He told me I owed him for interrupting his business. I could pay him by sleeping with him. I said no, and he has become more insistent. Wants me to be his piece on the side.” She laid her head down on Enzo’s arm. It was beginning to throb.
“I might have to beat Cole for allowing you to drink like this.”
“I’m sorry I left, but I was having hallucinations, you know from the alcohol.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “I thought you turned into this huge alien cat or dog or something.” That was some powerful rum. Was he here to tell her that since she couldn’t hold her alcohol not to bother showing up tomorrow?
She wanted to ask him, but now they were in the hallway of her apartment building, and there was a crease in his forehead, and his lips were drawn up in a frown as he looked at the floorboards.
“What’s happening here?”
“They’re kicking me out. Gonna fix up the place and rent it out to yuppies, buppies or whoever the up and coming are.”
“Where are you going to go, camire.”
“What’s camire mean?” She closed her eyes as she leaned totally into him.
How she wished she could be beautiful to someone. “I’m going to sleep at the park two blocks away. The dog
park up the hill. I even found a place to hide my stuff during the day. I just got to remember to be up by six am.”
“You work to two am.”
“Shhh don’t tell anyone, Enzo will be upset and probably won’t let me work anymore, and I need the job.”
“Your right camire, Enzo will be very upset. Open the door.”
She opened it took a step into her apartment before passing out in his arms.
Chapter Eight
Deja turned and stretched. She was in heaven; the mattress was so soft she snuggled back into it and let off a little moan of happiness.
She wasn’t lying on her mattress. Worse yet where were all the voices in her head that should be warning her to run fast? They were sound asleep. For once she didn’t know whether to be happy or pissed at the voices. She opened her eyes knowing she was on her own.
The room she was in had that just recently painted look. The walls were a nice light blue. There was an overhead light but also a smaller light on each nightstand by the bed. The bed was huge a four-poster king size bed, with a wood head and foot board. Nice but not Matt nice. He was totally contemporary and gaudy.
That means she didn’t get in the car with Don last night. Right? She looked down to find she was still wearing her jeans although they were unsnapped and unzipped. Her shirt was still on, and her bra although the back was unhooked still covered her breast. It was like whoever put her here wanted her to be comfortable without invading her privacy.
She sat up in the bed. There was a nice rose colored bedspread that covered her because the air was on in the room. The floors were a nice wood a little on the dark side with a few blue rugs thrown over them. She saw a closet and a long dresser drawer. It was a nice room.
Getting up she opened the closet; it was deep not walk in but deep enough to make you feel like it was one. Sitting in the closet were suitcases the looked suspiciously like hers. She picked up a small one and placed it on the bed. When she opened it she was faced with her bras and panties. Nothing seemed touched. She had packed this bag last week hoping to find an apartment. All of the bags she packed were there as well as a couple of thick black trash bags.
“Are you done sleeping?” Ven whispered/screamed.
She jumped hearing his voice.
You passed out in Enzo’s arms, and you knew Matt wasn’t here, or you’d be sticky as hell. That man wouldn’t wait.
Thank you, voices in my head. Yeah, she knew almost from the minute she woke up that Enzo had something to do with this, which was why she was exploring instead of looking for her phone to call the police. But the voices in her head could be a little bit nicer to her. She sighed.
“I’m up Ven.”
“Good are you coming out?”
Yep, she was in yesterday’s clothes, bad breath and hair…wait her hair was natural it was just a little extra kinky but still cute. Plus one for me. Taking a deep breath, she padded across the floor opening the door wondering what she would find. It looked like she was in the living room. It was pretty spacious. Ven was lying draped over a large couch. Unless she missed her guess, he had spent the night there. There were three armchairs and a loveseat. As well as a side table and a coffee table. This room also had overhead lights as well as several well-placed lamps.
“Did you spend the night here?”
He nodded giving her a lopsided smile. “The boss said I could stay. He wanted to stay, but he thought it was probably better if I stayed.”
“Why was that?”
His face flushed. “You were kissing all over him, and he was trying not to kiss you back but failing.”
Now her face flushed.
How could we not kiss him with the way he makes us feel?
His kisses make me hot.
Do you remember how it felt when we pressed our breast against him, and our nipples got so hard?
Mmm, I wanted him to pinch them so bad.
Stop it. You hussies didn’t wake me up so I could enjoy it. So no more talking about it.
“Are you ok?” Ven asked her looking like maybe he needed to call for help.
“I’m fine I just don’t remember a lot from last night.”
“The boss followed you home…cause you know, you ran out during the fight.”
Her face flamed even brighter now. That fight wasn’t real, and she wasn’t going to believe it was real.
“Ven where’s the bathroom?” He pointed to a door behind her.
She went and opened it, sure enough, it was a nice big bathroom. She didn’t know where she was, but she knew the rent for places like this was more than she could afford. She’d have to move to the dog park later today. She grabbed a change of clothes and a towel and disappeared into the bathroom. The shower was large, and she wanted to take advantage of it while she could.
Maybe she thought as she was soaping herself up, she could get a shrink, and he would put her on meds. She bet there was anti-hallucinatory stuff. She would take it and still be able to work and live a normal life people did that all the time. One of the girls she worked with told her she went to get mental help, and now she was just fine. That’s what she would do.
It won’t work.
That wasn’t a dream or a hallucination.
They turned into big inhuman creatures.
You don’t believe us.
Ask Ven. Ask Enzo. Ask any of them but whatever you do don’t make them mad.
Argh! She screamed and screamed because this was too much and for the first time in her life she thought she was going crazy not just teasing herself about it.
“Camire, are you all right?”
Strangely the sound of Enzo’s voice helped her get herself together.
“I’m fine. I’ll be out soon.”
There was a mumbled response and then quiet from the living room. Deja finished her shower and worked quickly through getting herself together. There was a new toothbrush as well as everything else she needed for her daily routine. No pick or brush but she had those in her purse.
She came out dressed in a cute little skirt as well as a low crop top. Yeah, she knew people her size weren’t supposed to wear crop tops, but that wouldn’t stop her from wearing one. It was belly fat, not a radioactive material.
“You look beautiful.” Enzo stood up and made his way to her wrapping her in his arms.
“Thanks.” She hid her face in his chest because she didn’t want to face what was coming next.
“I think after last night we have to talk.” He said leading her to the couch that Ven deserted.
“We could pretend it didn’t happen.” Her voice came out small.
“We could, but is that what you want to do?”
She shook her head no. As much as she might say she wanted to live in ignorance that wasn’t the truth. She’d start scratching at the surface until she knew what was happening.
“Let me start by saying what you saw was real. We can change our shape. Here you might call us shapeshifters. To us, it’s as natural as breathing. We were amazed when we landed here that humans don’t change shape. A large part of the galaxy does but not everyone.”
Do we believe this?
What reason does he have to lie to us?
He said a large part of the galaxy could change their shape.
If there are more people than the people of the earth, shouldn’t they be like us? Confined to one shape.
Who said the galaxy was a reflection of our image?
The Bible! Duh.
And that was that as the voices in her head went silent.
“Why are you on earth?” She asked since none of the voices in her head had anything practical to add.
“It was an accident. We are at war with the people you met last night. Our battalions fought and did serious damage to each of our ships, and we miscalculated got sucked into your gravitational pull and crash landed. At first, we thought our people would come for us or theirs would come for them. After close to several hundred years
we know we are stuck here.”
Did he say several hundred years?
How old is he?
Mmm and yum. Alien, hot, shifter. Can we do Enzo now?
What did it say about her that she was on board with her libido?
“Why did you hire me?” She needed a little more than alien and hot before she dropped her pants. Wait…she meant trusted him.
“You’re the first human to get inside of our shield. I thought it was worth trying to figure out.”
“Oh, did you figure out why?”
“I think so, but we’ll talk about it later. Let’s make some food. How do you like the apartment?”
“I like it enough. I wish I could stay.” She stood and followed him to the kitchen to find Ven seated at the table.
“Why can’t you stay?”
“I’m sure I can’t afford the rent even with what you’re paying me.”
“That’s where you are wrong. I was hoping you would stay because I need someone to keep an eye on Ven. Help keep him out of trouble. Maybe help him now since someone lifted the ban on him seeing young earth females. There’s a second room that can be his if you’re willing?” He went to the fridge and pulled out the makings for hamburgers and fries.
“I understand if he’s too much for you to handle. No reason to feel shame.”
He’s trying psychology on us.
Does he think we will fall for that?
No, he doesn’t. But he does know that we have adopted Ven, and he’s close to our heart. So he’s dangling a carrot I can’t pass up. We all get what we want. I have a place to live. Enzo has peace of mind. And Ven has a female who cares about him. All growing boys need that.
The voices in her head went silent, and she took a seat as she watched Enzo cook.
“You can cook?”
“Either I learned to cook or starve. I’m not a chef mind you but I can get it done.”
“I like a man that can cook.”
He smiled and winked at her his green eyes glowing. “That’s good to know camire.”
He placed the food in front of them. They ate in silence, but she kept glancing up not liking the tension in the room.
“Ven,” Enzo said once the kitchen was clean. “Why don’t you go check out your room.”