Enzo: The Wolves Den: A BBW Scifi/Paranormal Romance Page 6
Ven stood up and looked angry. She hadn’t known him long, but she knew that wasn’t how he normally was.
“What’s wrong with him?”
“I don’t know.” He pulled her from her chair to his. His hand came up to caress her cheek. “We’re going to find out aren’t we?”
She gave him a big smile and pulled him to his feet. Deja knocked at Ven’s door and waited until she heard a mumbled come in. The room was perfect for a boy around twenty. Enzo had put some thought into this.
Ven was lying on the bed with his face buried in the pillow.
“Sorry, did I disturb you?” Ven said his voice was dull with a mean edge to it. “I can leave. What time shall I come back?”
He stood up saying, “I’ll leave now.”
“And I’ll just follow you. All day and all night until you finally tell me what’s wrong.” Deja set her face and wouldn’t back down.
“Since I can’t have her following you alone, that means I’ll have to follow her.”
“You don’t have to do that; I know how to disappear.”
Why does he need to disappear? C&C asked.
He thinks he’s not wanted?
Why would he think that?
Ven’s parents kicked him out.
Deja sighed when Ven walked out it was going to be another long day.
Chapter Nine
“Ven don’t you dare walk out that door.” One heartbeat, two, three…slam.
That was the sound of the front door slamming.
Smooth, real smooth.
Did you think that would work?
Why should he listen to you? You’re not his mother.
Yep her voices were right, but that didn’t stop her from wanting him to care about her opinion. Not that she was going to pursue this thought because if he could care about her in two days, then she’d have to examine how she felt about him and Enzo after two days.
Instead, she walked over to Enzo buried her head in his chest for a minute and took deep breaths.
“Can you find him?” She looked up to him hope in her eyes.
“I can track him anywhere. Ready?” She gave a nod and moved to the door.
They walked into the living room to find a sullen Ven sitting in an armchair with his legs kicked up. He looked at Deja daring her to say anything.
Her heart was beating too fast, and if she wasn’t careful, a tear might spill. The fact that Ven cared about her enough not to leave the house was doing something to her. Armed with a smile, she walked over to him and threw her arms around him.
“You can’t hug me the boss is here. You can only hug the boss.”
She would have laughed, but the pain in his voice was real. Tightening her grip, she clung to him as he moved and twisted and pretended to try to break her hold. In the end, he stayed until she finally let him go.
She pulled on an armchair; it made a loud sound as she pulled it across the floor until she was sitting directly across from him. So close her knees touched his.
“This is probably new for you, but that’s okay its new for me too. So we should talk about what’s going to happen. There are going to be times when it’s just you and me in the house I may be cooking or watching television. It won’t matter you are welcome to join. I better see you when its time for meals understand?” She waited for his nod.
“Now there may be times when it’s the three of us in the house. Cooking, watching television or even annoying me. I want you with me, us, understand? As long as I’m here, you’re here. We’re here together like a family. Okay?”
What are you thinking?
They’re aliens they don’t have families.
Let’s get back to what were you thinking.
What was she thinking? She didn’t want to let Ven go after two days. Well, technically it was three days now and she sure as hell didn’t want to let Enzo go. Maybe she was just clinging on because she had lost everything. If that was the case, maybe she needed to lose everything more often.
She looked at Ven, leaning over she took his hands and looked into his blues eyes that were beginning to glow.
“You want me to stay?”
“I do, and so does Enzo he went through a lot of trouble getting that room set up for you. I think he planned this before I was even here, my coming just helped move things along.”
“Boss?” Ven turned to look at him. His eyes slid half closed, but there was a hopeful sound in his voice that he couldn’t totally hide.
“I been working on this place for a while. You needed a place to go; I have the room.” Enzo shrugged but his voice was low, and Deja could hear how much he cared about Ven.
“We’ll never get away with anything now,” Ven whispered/screamed. “The boss lives right there.”
He took her hand and led her to the window. Sure enough, there was a large house not that far away. That’s also when she realized she was in a garage apartment which meant his garage was huge.
“I’m going to go now,” his eyes swept over Deja. “I just wanted to check on you. I’ll be back.”
“Okay, stay out of trouble.” He turned and left after a comment to Enzo.
We’re going to have to teach him to talk to girls.
We’re gonna have so much fun.
We’ll teach him how to protect his heart. Love spoke, they noticed she was still in a dark corner, but now she was facing the world. All of the voices in her head gave her a nod. It was a sign of respect.
“Camire.” She walked over to Enzo and let him wrap his arms around her as they stood there and swayed just a little.
He took her hand and led her to the couch.
“Are you scared of me?” He asked as he drew her down, so her body was snuggled up against him.
She didn’t need the voices in her head to help her out with this one. There was no fear inside of her. None for him or Ven. For the others well that was up in the air, but she knew these two would never hurt her.
“No, you don’t scare me.”
“Maybe I should.” He looked at her green eyes glowing. “I want more from you than to be the bartender at the club. I have since the moment I saw you standing out front with your big brown eyes so wide as you gathered your confidence around you to walk up those steps.”
“I was a little nervous,” She gave him a teasing smile. “Seeing you and Declyn together is enough to make any female nervous.”
“No need to be nervous.” He placed his hands in her short hair and tugged gently. “I like your hair the texture of it and how it curls in between my fingers.”
She reached up and touched his hair it was medium length and softer than silk. “Does your fur feel this way?”
“Our coats. Yeah, they feel like the hair on my head.” His finger trailed down her neck, little sparks of pleasure went through her at his touch. “I should have asked, but I didn’t. Do you have a mate?”
She shook her head. There was no way she’d be lying here if someone else held her heart.
“There’s no one.”
“Could there be me?” His voice was low and raspy as he asked in her ear.
How did she answer that? It’s not like she just looked at a man pointed and said you’re the one. On the other hand, her body was going up in flames every time he was around. She was feeling the need to do things she wouldn’t normally do. It was always important to her to date first.
She knew plenty of females who thought nothing of going to bed with someone on the first or second date. She always envied them. For her, she needed to wait to make sure the reason a man wanted to sleep with her wasn’t so that he could say he banged a plus size female. Over the years she’s learned to be super careful.
For once she didn’t want to be careful. Guard your heart it was a model she lived by because she knew what happened when you didn’t. But guarding her heart didn’t stop it from being broken and for her ability to love to shut itself down and say never again. Her hand went up and caressed Enz
o’s face.
“I don’t know Enzo. All I know for sure is I wouldn’t mind finding out where this will lead.
She always waited for the guy to make the first move. Why? For a while, she thought it wouldn’t hurt as much if he rejected her then. She was wrong rejection hurt. She also learned that it didn’t make sense to go out with a man who didn’t appreciate her curves. So she stopped blind dates a long time ago.
Stop thinking.
Kiss him already.
Have some guts.
Get some dick.
She loved the voices in her head. Yeah, they were just different parts of her, but they came in handy at times.
She leaned over and kissed him. Her mouth pushing against his tongue licking the seam of his mouth. Then he opened up allowing her tongue to slide in. For a minute she waivered wondering how sharp those teeth were, then he was kissing her back, and all thought was gone. His taste was hot and spicy. Like the taste of a hot chili pepper just enough to warm you up without burning you out.
She pushed her body closer to him wanting to get a better taste of his lips and mouth.
“You make me want what I know I should be resisting.” He whispered even as he lips trailed down the side of her neck leaving goosebumps behind that shivered with pleasure.
“Why shouldn’t you want me?”
“We discovered early that human females were fragile.”
She moved closer until she was able to sit on his lap a leg on each side. Her hands worked pulling the neck of his tee down so she could place hot kisses on him.
“Some of us are. We’re all built differently. Some of us like our men nice and gentle. Others like our men to love us harder, honestly, some of us even like men who give us some pain up to a lot of pain. That’s why there’s a different female for each male.” She got frustrated and pulled at his shirt from the hem until he lifted his arms and took it off.
“Mmm, look at that.” His chest was a work of art, and she wanted to taste, touch and lick as much as possible.
She started at his collar bone nibbling her way down. A lick here, a suck here. His body was hot driving the fire in her higher, the spicy taste of his skin led her to want wild nights with him pounding hard inside her body. Slowly she dragged her hands down his chest allowing her nails to graze him lightly.
A masculine moan came from his lips making her pussy clench in need. He placed his hands on her sides, picked her up, and changed their positions. She was lying on her back. Her head was spinning over the fact that he picked her up. She’d never dated a man strong enough to do that.
She might have spent more time dwelling on that, but he laid on her. Big, masculine, powerful. Nothing had ever felt as good as his body weight pressing her down onto the couch. A sigh of pleasure escaped her lips as he pulled her shirt off.
He buried his head in her breast. “Beautiful, bountiful.”
She had way more than a handful something she knew men liked even if they didn’t like the rest.
His big hand reached out and caressed her breasts, and she found her hips moving against his thick thigh. “I want to taste these beauties.”
“Please.” Taste, lick, bite, my breast are all yours.
His hand went to the front of the bra his thick fingers grasping at the clasp. In his haste, he missed it the first time and had to work on it a second time. A smile lit Deja’s lips and made her even hotter as she watched him. He took one side off leaving the other breast covered in the pink material.
He placed his nose in the deep v of her chest and inhaled. “Your scent is tantalizing.”
His hand came up to caress her breast. He held it in one hand and squeezed before his lips came down, and he placed small kisses all over it. She made small sounds encouraging him. Her body arched wanting to feel him touch her everywhere.
Holding her breast in one hand, he rubbed his cheek against her like a huge predator who was tame for the moment. His tongue came out and licked her breast teasing her before he sucked the nipple into his mouth. She let out a loud cry that had him flattening himself against the end of the couch.
Chapter Ten
Deja was lying on the couch a startled look on her face while her alien was plastered against the arm of the couch, mumbling softly.
“Please be ok.” His shoulders dropped like he was carrying the weight of the world on them.
“Enzo, what’s wrong?” He was pale; his eyes were dull. Did he need a doctor?
“I hurt you.” His voice was soft and full of regret.
“When?” Her face twisted in puzzlement. What was happening?
“You screamed.” He acted like he had said it all.
“I didn’t scream.” His eyes displayed his doubt.
You screamed.
It was that good.
I never thought we’d be doing this again.
Hell, can we stop talking about it and do it again?
Once again she was with her libido, but first, she needed to understand what happened.
“Maybe I screamed, but it was because I liked what you were doing. Tell me why it bothered you.”
His eyes looked around the room refusing to focus on her at first. She stayed still and looked at him. She was still lying on the couch one breast uncovered and aching for his touch. The other breast jealous of the first one.
“When we first came to your planet it had been two years between our rotation. So we hadn’t had any time to ourselves, all we did was fight. One look at your people suggested you were compatible with us. A couple of our males found some willing females.” His eyes dropped, and his shoulders slumped. “They died. We still don’t know why. We mate in this form and not our other form. In the end, we decided they just couldn’t take us. Our bodies were too large, and then we banned contact with human females.”
“Then I come along,” she sat up before getting on her knees. “I threw a wrench in the works, and now you’ve been without for several years and my scream scared you.”
“I don’t get scared.” He was slightly indignant but still looking at her like a touch would kill her.
“I know my alien darling.” She walked over to him on her knees. “When a male like you, a male that a female happens to like does things to her body that feel really good at times she will let out sounds of encouragement. There’s a difference between ‘a do that again scream and a you’re hurting me scream.’”
She leaned over and bit him gently on the side of the neck. “Why don’t we practice some more?” she whispered in his ear.
“You want me to touch you again?”
“I definitely want you to touch me again. I even know where there’s a big bed.” She got off the couch and walked backward as her finger motioned for him to follow her. She felt like a siren leading a sailor to his ultimate doom.
His eyes sparked with fire as he stood and followed her to her room.
“Ven,” he gave a little protest.
“He will whisper/scream when he gets here. I am going to have to teach him how to lower his voice.”
“When we were fighting that was a low voice. You had to talk like that if you wanted anyone to hear you over the noise. Ven was just so young.”
She crawled over the bed. “It’s all right Enzo you and Declyn saved him.”
“Yeah, we did. Now, what did you want to show me?” He crawled over the bed to where she was and watched as she finally took the bra all the way off.
“My breast like to be touched.” She took them in her hands and caressed them as he watched her every movement. “My nipples like to be pulled and sucked on.”
She placed a finger in her mouth then took it out to run it over her nipple. She sucked in a breath moaning a little as she pulled her nipple. “The more you play with them the harder they get. See how this one likes what my fingers are doing to it?”
She lifted her breast so he could see. Then knowing she shouldn’t she showed him her secret. She lifted her breast and bent her head and sucked on her nipple.
A muffled moan came from his mouth.
She came up for air, and his head was there. He took her nipple into his mouth and sucked on it making her body convulse as another scream left her mouth. This time, he moaned around her nipple as his fingers played with the other one.
“I love the way you taste.” He said before he sucked on her other nipple. His body remembered what he needed to do even though it had been a long time. He touched and kissed her driving her passion up.
Slowly he kissed his way down her body until he reached her belly. “You’re so soft. I love it.”
“You do?” her voice trembled a little from the caressing and kissing he was doing. She didn’t think her body was this sensitive, but he was finding all her secret spots.
“I do. I love your thickness and how it combines with your softness. You’re beautiful.”
He likes us.
He thinks we’re beautiful.
Be careful males will say anything.
I still think he likes us.
Deja placed her hands in his hair as he laid his head on her belly. It was scary for her to want someone like this after the pain she suffered. Life was about risk.
He kissed down her torso finding her belly button. He slid his finger in and out making her laugh.
“Enzo.” Her voice came out in a low raspy sound.
He laughed and repeated his name trying to sound like her, which made her laugh. He came down to her skirt and looked up at her.
Her hand went to the button on the side and then the cleverly hidden zipper. Before long she was slipping it down her legs.
Now she was wearing nothing except her thong.
“What are you wearing, camire?” His voice was thick and husky as he looked at her.
“My panties. These are called a thong.” She rolled to the side of the bed and stood.
Walking around the bed until she was standing in front of him she slowly turned. His deep groan turned her on making her wetter.
“There’s no back.”
She showed him the small string that had nestled between her butt cheeks. He let off an animal growl before he stood and pulled her close to him. His hands on each of her cheeks while he pulled her against his body. His dick was so thick and hard against her and long. The feel of him was enough to make her want to eat him up.