Enzo: The Wolves Den: A BBW Scifi/Paranormal Romance Read online

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  “It’s too late for that. Look at them, we hired Deja a few days ago, but already they love having her close. Besides, I smell her on you. You’ll never be able to send her away now.”

  Declyn was right, but he knew better than to confirm that thought.

  “So what do we do?”

  “We let everyone know that we might be going to war over a human female.”

  “It’s better than what we were fighting about before.”

  “Granted.” Declyn stood and made his way to the opposite end of the club to have a seat with several males.

  Deja kept her eye on Enzo and Declyn wondering what they were whispering about as she poured drinks and smiled at males she was becoming used to seeing. Around midnight the door opened and let in about fifteen males she’s never seen before. They didn’t seem to want any trouble just a drink and a minute or two of her time. By closing, she realized this was the fullest the Wolve’s Den had been since she started. Her feet hurt from taking drinks to customers as well as trying to cover the bar. They needed a waitress soon.

  The males were still hovering around at closing time. With a shake of her head, she disappeared in the back to get her purse. She was wearing low-heeled sandals today, so there was no need to change her shoes. If she were going to be running around every night, then she’d always be in something low heeled.

  She walked out to find the club empty except for Cole.

  “They’re waiting outside for you.” He said giving her a smile.

  “Thanks,” she threw him a smile and a wave.


  She turned around to look at him.

  “Do you like working here?”

  She had a feeling he wanted to ask her a different question, but she would wait until he was ready to ask.

  “I do. I’m surprised just how much I like it considering what I did before.”

  “Good to know. You have a nice night.”

  She walked out to find Enzo and Ven sitting on the top step waiting for her.

  “How was your day?” Ven asked as he stood.

  “It was good. Did either of you happen to notice there were more males in there tonight?”

  “I noticed,” Enzo said taking her hand as they walked down the stairs.

  “That’s good right?”

  “It could go either way we have to wait and see.”

  She nodded looking up at the stars. “How come the sky is so clear here?”

  “We keep the lights at a minimum. It allows us to see what’s happening up there.”

  “Do you stargaze hoping to see a ship coming for you?” What would it be like to look up in the sky and see a huge spaceship come to rescue them?

  “No,” Ven said. “We stargaze hoping the sky will always be clear and bright.”

  They walked in silence back to the apartment. Enzo walked them up the stairs and watched as she opened the door.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.” His lips smiled as he turned around.

  “Enzo,” her soft voice reached out to caress his ears.

  He looked back to see her outstretched hand.

  “Spend the night.”

  “I claim the bathroom first.” Ven’s voice startled them both before he disappeared into the apartment.

  Enzo reached out and took her hand once again feeling amazed that she could be this soft.

  “I want you, Deja.” She should know how he felt, that he wanted her even more than earlier.

  “Come take me.” He followed her through the doorway and into her room.

  He looked around the room this is where he wanted to be, with Deja.

  “Would you take your clothes off?” She didn’t get a chance to see him earlier, and now she wanted to see all of him.

  He was wearing a white button down shirt. Taking his time, he undid each button before dropping the shirt on the floor. His body was muscled with a slightly gray cast to it. He didn’t have a brown or golden look to him. He was slightly gray through the torso but not enough to turn her off. She wanted to touch him to see how his skin felt under her hands and to get closer to him. He was covered in a pattern that had to be alien it spread over him enticing her even more.

  She licked her lips as she looked at the muscles in his arms and chest. Her eyes lowered to his belly, and she moaned. His body was thick with muscle, and she wanted to touch.

  He toed off his shoes before his hand went to the button on his jeans. He flicked it open and pulled down his zipper. Was he trying to kill her with his slow movements?

  I need to see now!

  Shhh, we’ll see soon enough.

  I know he’s huge so just watch the reveal.

  Her libido was already sending her dirty pictures of how long and thick his dick was.

  He placed his hands on the waistband of his jeans and pushed them down. He was wearing boxers; she’d never felt more disappointed before.

  A sexy smile stretched across his lips as he watched her. He took the pants off and placed them with the shirt. His hands went to the boxers, and she licked her lips. Maybe she looked greedy, but she’d been waiting a lifetime for a moment like this.

  He took his boxers off letting them fall around his legs. He was beautiful and hung. Deja loved the flow of his body down his flat belly to his trim waist and beautiful ass. She could bite it for days. The muscles in his legs were calling for her to touch and his dick was a work of art. She could write sonnets about it, but she’d rather caress it. He was long and thick and standing up to greet her. The head of his dick was a little bigger than normal, and he was veined in a more circular pattern.

  “You’re so handsome.”

  “Thank you, camire. I’m glad that you like what you see.”

  He walked over to her drawing her in his arms.

  “I want to be inside of you, but I’m still afraid I may hurt you.”

  “We don’t have to do everything at once.” She laid her head on his chest and rocked with him. Her hands slowly tracing the pattern on his arms.

  “Can I dance for you?”


  She led him to the bed so he could sit. She dug her phone out of her purse noting that there were at least five missed calls from Fire. Darn her phone was on vibrate that wasn’t going to be an easy conversation tomorrow. She searched her music until she found the song she wanted.

  When the first beats of the music started playing her body moved with it. Slowly she bumped and grind until she managed to pull her shirt over her head. His eyes got bright as she worked on her skirt. Now she was wearing her matching thong and bra and her sandals.

  His hand went down and grabbed his dick pulling on it.

  Silly man, doesn’t he know that’s for us?

  Come on Deja we want to taste.

  She walked over to him positioning her breasts, so the nipples just peeked over the bra before she sank to her knees in front of him and replaced his hand with hers.

  “All mine,” her voice was raspy with desire.

  She ran her hand up his thick dick feeling the difference of him. The circular veins gave extra sensations to her hands as she tugged up on him. He groaned opening his legs further. She bent over and took his dick into her mouth. He was too big for her to take all of him but that didn’t stop her from trying.

  Her mouth swallowed him taking as much as she could as she sucked on him getting his taste deep inside. His hips swung up just a little as if he couldn’t help himself as his fingers shook in her hair.

  “Deja.” His voice had her trembling, legs shaking as heat snaked through her body. The desire to touch him was overwhelming.

  Her hand worked his shaft, and she sucked on his head. He tasted good. There was a slight tart taste combined with a sweetness she’s never tasted before. It was exotic and the more she tasted, the more she wanted. She slid a hand to cup and play with his balls. She loved the way they moved as she caressed them, squeezed them.

  Her hand slid down to her throbbing clit working it
even as she worked his big dick.

  His hips swung a little harder, but she could take him even as she felt his shaft growing a little bigger. She sucked harder wanting all of him in her mouth. She wanted to taste him. He pulled out even as his head grew.

  “Too big for your mouth,” was all he could manage to say while she was still pumping his shaft, stroking it.

  A deep sound came from him one filled with pleasure as he came over her chest painting her a slightly metallic color. She moved her head opening her mouth to catch some of him.

  Umm, he tasted so good, sweet like he was her personal treat.

  She pinched her clit coming when he did with a high pitched sound. When she looked up, it was to see his eyes flaming and his body shaking. Her big warrior. She was willing to bet no one had ever done this to him. He picked her up and laid her on the bed. He left the room and came back with a warm rag to clean her body. Then he pulled her into his arms and cuddled her.

  One step at a time my Alien Warrior, she thought before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Safire’s going to call the cops and report us missing.

  I’m betting she already has. You know how she is.

  We’ll never hear the end of this.

  Get up and call her.

  “All I want is sleep,” Deja mumbled groggily.

  Get some after you call Safire. We all know how she is.

  They were right she needed to call, but truthfully she wanted to put it off a little longer. What was she going to tell her?

  “Girl you won’t believe this, but I met this alien. Lots of aliens but one is rocking my heart, and the other makes me feel…”

  She was not telling her anything like that. She was entangled with Enzo her leg thrown over his while he held her close in an embrace. The two of them looked so good together she wished she could get a picture to have for when they were no longer together. With that sad thought, she started trying to untangle herself.

  “Camire?” His voice was so deep she had to wrestle her libido down and sit on her.

  “I need to get up to call my girlfriend. Go back to sleep.” She kissed the corner of his mouth before sliding out of bed.

  She picked up her phone. Grr, she forgot to charge it last night, but she still had enough battery to make this call. She’d plug it up in the living room while they were talking. Her robe was hanging in the closet, she grabbed it and wrapped it around her body, found her charger and went into the other room.

  It was early on a Saturday morning maybe Fire would still be in bed.

  “Deja where have you been?” The concern in her high pitched voice was evident.

  “I’m sorry Safire; I didn’t mean to alarm you.” The apartment was quiet, and she was lying on the couch. It felt surreal for a minute like none of this was happening.

  “You used my whole name, what’s wrong.”

  “Nothing, something, nothing, maybe everything.”

  “Well, that told me a lot.” She chuckled because Deja sounded like Deja and that was putting her at ease. “Let’s start with your job. How’s it going?”

  “I love it. I get to meet a lot of different males, and they’re all nice to me. You know how when we used to go to bars, and almost all the men surrounded the skinny chicks like they were the superstars? Well, that’s the way I feel here. Maybe because I’m the only female, but I think it's more than that.”

  “Job, check. What’s happening with Matt?”

  “He tried to have Don abduct me at gun point.”

  “What! Did you call the police? I know a great lawyer. He will rot in jail for years.”

  “Calm down. A friend of mine was close, and he saved me.”


  “Please Fire, I don’t want to talk about him right now.”

  “Fine, I went to your apartment, and the construction crew said you moved out. Where are you staying?”

  “A friend of mine has an apartment, and I’m staying there.”

  “But it’s not Matt. Why don’t you stop beating around the bush and tell me about your friend?”

  “His name is Enzo, and he’s one of the people that hired me for the job."

  “Deja Brown you know better.” Her voice was hard reminding her of the fact that they never got involved with someone they worked with, especially not the boss.

  “I know Safire, but there’s something between us. Something I don’t want to say no to.”

  “And when he breaks your heart?”

  “What if he doesn’t break my heart?” There was nothing but silence on the end of the line. “You’re right Fire, I’ve done some dumb things in this life all in the name of love, so sure that I found the right one. This time, I don’t know what I found. All I know is I don’t want to let him go. Here’s the thing right or wrong I’m going to see where this one goes.”

  Now it was her turn for silence. Safire would draw her conclusions and run with them, and Deja wouldn’t be able to change her mind.

  “When can I meet him?”

  Deja gave a small smile. That’s what friends were for they had your back even if they thought you were making a mistake.

  “How about next Sunday. I have Sunday and Monday nights off.”

  “It’s a date. Take care of yourself, Deja and remember I can still track your phone.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  She smiled at Enzo, who was standing in the doorway. He’d made enough noise for her to know he was there. He was standing there in his jeans from last night, no shirt and barefooted. He looked so good her heart tripped seeing him.

  “I was talking to my best friend on the phone. We met when I was fifteen, and Safire was fourteen, and we’ve been besties ever since. No one thought it would last at that age, but it did.” Her voice was husky as she talked to him.

  She rose from the couch and walked over to him placing her arms around him and hugging him tightly.

  “Hello, my Alien Warrior.” Deja laid her head against his chest breathing in his scent.

  “Deja?” His eyes held shadows of fear he wasn’t ready to admit to yet.

  She went to her tiptoes and kissed him. The kiss was tender and loving, her body saying what her head wasn’t ready to acknowledge.

  She stood back and smiled at him. “I think you should know that I took a peek into the fridge, and we need food.”

  “Write a list and I’ll to have it…” he stopped as she shook her head.

  “We’re going to the store, the three of us. That means if you’re not up, Ven, get up.” She raised her voice on the last part a happy smile coming to her face as she heard him rummaging around his room.

  “Deja,” Enzo said moving into the living room and taking a seat. “I have no problem calling the store. They deliver quickly.”

  She came and took a seat next to him. “Several hundred years Enzo. That’s how long you guys have hidden. It’s time to stop. I get it you can’t run down the streets and proclaim your aliens, especially not shapeshifters. I’m not asking you to do that, but you should know your way around the city, how to drive and how to blend in. You can’t live here another one hundred or two hundred years like you’re hiding out. You need a life. Maybe that’s why I’m here so you can get one.”

  They both turned their heads when Ven came out the room. He was dressed much like Enzo in nothing but a pair of jeans. She looked at Ven then took a look at Enzo and then shook her head. She must be imaging things. Ven gave them a long look before disappearing into the bathroom.

  “I have a feeling that boy is going to be a bathroom hog,” She laughed before leaning over to kiss Enzo good morning.

  “Now that’s how I like to say good morning,” her voice was thick with passion.

  “I’ll remember.” He pulled her closer kissing her again. His tongue delved deep caressing her making her remember what they did last night. Her cheeks pinked as thoughts of doing it again crossed her mind.

  “Hey,” Ven shouted from the bathroom. “You’re not kissing in the living room are you?”

  Deja jumped back and rolled her eyes. She was going to have a talk with him.

  Maybe you should start by talking to yourself.

  We’re so screwed, and you know it.

  Remember the last time we got in this deep.

  All the voices in her head turned to look. Love was sitting up in the corner she still had her knees up and her arms around them, but this was the most attention she’d given anyone in years.

  We’re so screwed.

  That was the voice of reason and yeah hearing her say they were screw scared Deja more than she wanted to acknowledge.

  The morning went quickly; Deja got the bathroom after Ven. Enzo went to his place to get ready, and before they knew it, they were standing in the garage looking at Enzo’s car.

  “I didn’t know what to buy after the last car died. The man who sold it to me said all the males were buying cars like this, so I bought it.”

  “When can I learn to drive?”

  Enzo turned surprised eyes to Ven. “I didn’t know you wanted to be able to drive.”

  He shrugged that sullen little boy showing through. “Nobody ever asked me and we weren’t allowed to leave the barrier.”

  “But you left the barrier.”

  Again Ven just shrugged and ran his hand over Enzo’s car.

  “It’s a charger. A very nice car and it looks like I get to drive.” His charger was black with red accents on it. The interior was black and red. She could picture him driving down the street; she’d stop and take a second and third look at him. Not that it mattered she’d take a second and third look at him without the car.

  Enzo gave her that look, the one that said he wasn’t sure if he should let her touch his baby.

  Honestly, is it universal?

  Men and their cars.

  Can we slap him? Just once.

  No, we can’t slap him and yes I think it’s universal. Now quiet I always wanted to drive a charger.

  “Keys please.” She gave him her best innocent smile and waited until he hit the fob to unlock the doors and turned the keys over to her. “Road trip everyone get in!”