Alexei Read online

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“You know it’s not, but what I want…”

  “Is what? Do you want to put out the fire I feel deep inside? Do you want to know if it will be as good as we’ve dreamed it would be?”

  “Stop it. You don’t know what you’re saying. What you’re asking for.”

  “Are you sure? I know you killed a Vayhr in front of me four days ago. I know you killed one today and I killed one also. I know something changed inside of me with the kill. I feel like I crossed a line, chose a side, and now I’m committed. The only thing that helps me hang onto my sanity is you. So you need to be honest with me, if you’re not interested, if I’m not as desirable as I was a couple of days ago, if the blood on my hands repulses you, then you need to spit it out!”

  Her breaths came in pants as she hollered at him. She needed to know she wasn’t a casualty of a war that hadn’t really begun yet.

  His intense eyes glazed brighter as he stalked her, leaning down he lifted her from the chair and threw her over his shoulder. He never said a word as she pounded on his back.

  “Damn you, Alexei, say something to me.” He took the stairs holding her tight.

  Dropping her off in the bathroom he set her on her feet.

  “Undress and move your sweet rear into the shower, or I will undress you.”

  He reached up and yanked his shirt over his head before unzipping his pants. The sound of the zipper coming down was enough for her to try to swallow around the lump in her throat.

  She toed off her sneakers looking for the safest thing to take off first. This was it, the words beat around her head making her dizzy as she thought of both her desire to be touched by Alexei and the ramifications. Would Ash try to kill him? Would Rena and Aran try to kill her? Should she even be thinking like this? All the years she spent denying her attraction to Alexei flashed before her eyes.

  It was the reason she quasi dated Ethan and the others because she knew she wasn’t right for him and he wasn’t right for her. Because she understood the Hybrid’s, maybe at times better than they understood themselves. Being different from the rest of the world is what she was and she understood she was a fraction of the human beings that could be counted on one or two hands. She understood that she should leave him alone and she did, but that didn’t stop the desire that rode her. It didn’t stop the want every time he was near, the scent he carried tickling her down to her toes. Alexei smelled of the woods, pine trees and wild rivers that twisted and turned and hinted at darkness just ahead. Her denying what she wanted hadn’t made it go away.

  She reached down and pulled the hem of her shirt over her head. One time, she assured herself. The world was turning on itself and who knew if tomorrow was ever coming, but today she needed to touch the object of her desire, she needed to know that dreams came true even if they were hot desperate dreams.

  The shirt hit the floor. She unsnapped the jeans she was wearing watching as his face was wrenched from the sight of her bra clad breasts to the waistband of her jeans. Slowly she dragged the zipper down, it felt like an eternity before the zipper stopped, refusing to give another inch.

  Shimmying out of the jeans, she stood clad in only her underwear under the bright bathroom light. This was who she was in all her glory. Take it or leave it. Her chin notched a little higher as she met his eyes. She might be bigger than some women, but she was healthy and she worked out. She liked herself and how she looked.

  His tongue licked at dry lips. “You’re beautiful, Amber, even more beautiful than you were the other night. You’re a warrior who has decided to share your body with me and that adds to your beauty. You could have bestowed this sight on anyone, instead you graced me with it.”

  Amber hooked her fingers in her panties and pulled them down enjoying the deep indrawn breath from Alexei followed by his words of admiration. Taking a deep breath she pulled the bra off and disappeared into the shower.

  Chapter Twelve

  Turning on the water, Amber let the spray pulse down and flatten her thick hair to her scalp. She didn’t want to see what it looked like in the morning but for now all the really mattered was waiting to see if Alexei would follow her into the shower.

  Closing her eyes, she placed her face into the stream of water as she felt a cold draft over her back replaced by warm hands.

  “Wet Amber. I’ve had delicious dreams about this scene for years,” he whispered into her ear.

  She chuckled feeling suddenly light headed. “Glad you like what you see.”

  She reached for a cloth, drying her face while pushing her hair back. She allowed her eyes to drift down. Holy mother of…the male was hung; she didn’t know they made them that large. She raised her eyes to look at him, he was smiling with pride.

  She reached out to hit him on the arm, she had to. He was real, once again she assured herself, this was no dream or a realistic fantasy, this was the real deal.

  “Don’t give me that smug look.”

  “When it’s big,” he shrugged, “it’s big.”

  “Well, from what I’ve heard size doesn’t matter, it’s all about what you can do with it.”

  “They lied to you, size matters.” He clutched his chest and feigned a heart attack. “Amber, believe me, whatever you need, I’ll make it good for you.”

  He was just as new at this as she was, but she knew he wasn’t lying to her. He would find a way to make whatever she wanted happen and she would enjoy it.

  “Let me wash you.”

  Alexei’s eyes closed for a minute and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. “What did you say?”

  “Let me wash you, Alexei.”

  “You…you don’t have to do that.”

  “I know, but I want to. I want to touch you all over.”

  He nodded his head, seemingly unable to push any words past his thick tongue.

  Amber reached for a sponge and his bath soap. She poured a big dollop of it out. The smell stoked her senses; it was woodsy and wild just like Alexei.

  Taking his arm, she turned him around until his back was facing her. She started moving in circles at his shoulders, massaging them. The tension in him disappeared as she rubbed. Her hands slid down to cover the large expanse of his back. She stroked him in larger circles feeling his breath hitch in his throat. Running her hands through the suds made her own breath hitch as her heart pounded a little harder.

  “Nice back,” she whispered and moving to the back of his arms soaping each down before moving him gently under the shower to wash off.

  Her hands slid down to the small of his back lingering before she made her way down to his sexy rear. The curve of his ass had her fingers lingering, tracing him.

  “Alexei,” she choked out.

  “You’re playing with fire, Amber.”

  Her hand slid down to cup his backside bringing a growl from his lips as her other hand slowly slipped around his waist. He caught her hands twisting his body before pulling her into his arms.

  “Fire.” His lips came down catching hers. He forced his way in dueling for dominance, the need to control sitting on him, weighing him down.

  She felt her body grow soft against him as she mewled against his lips. The taste of him overwhelmed her senses; she needed to get closer to assuage the ache that burned deep inside of her.

  His teeth nipping at her throat stoked the fire that was already possessing her. “Please, Alexei.” She moved her body over his asking silently, begging for more.

  He cut the shower. Pulling her out behind him he grabbed a towel.

  “Now it’s my turn to touch you.” His voice, a deep moan, had moisture seeping down her already wet thighs.

  She closed her legs together looking for some type of relief. He roared and gently pried her legs apart.

  “Not without me.”

  He grabbed a towel and ran it through her hair then finger combed her locks massaging her scalp.

  “You keep that up and I might come over when I wash my hair just for this.”

  He chuckled and drew the tow
el over her breasts. Her breath hitched as he took care drying each one staying away from the nipple. He dropped the towel and allowed his fingers to caress her breasts.

  “You’re so soft and warm.” He cupped underneath one breast lifting it in his palm. “I love the weight of you and the heat of you in my hand.”

  “You don’t think they’re too big?’

  “I think they’re just perfect.”

  His thumb flicked over her nipple eliciting a sigh of pleasure from her lips.

  “You like that, Amber?” He flicked her nipple again enjoying the sound emerging from her lips.

  “No interruptions this time.” He leaned over and picked her up carrying her out the door into the bedroom.

  He gave her a grin before laying her down on the bed. “Just you and me. The way it was meant to be.”

  A low rumbling came from his chest as he crawled onto the bed looking like a predator who spotted his prey. Amber’s nipples tightened as a flash of heat went through her belly making her pussy convulse. A low moan escaped her lips making her want to jump his body.

  He slid his body against hers as he came to a halt. “You’re here in my bed, I dreamed of this moment so many times. I thought I’d be suave, I was wrong. I feel like a school boy whose deepest desire has come true, but he doesn’t know where to start.”

  “I’m glad. I’d hate to be the only person wanting to touch and being afraid of waking up only to find out it was a dream.”

  He buried his face in the side of her neck inhaling her scent. “Fire and spring, Amber your scent is so intoxicating I want to roll in it. I wish I could carry it with me everywhere I go.”

  He licked her neck before he bit her then sucked on her skin.

  “Stop that,” she gave a laugh filled with desire. “Everyone is going to know.”

  “I want them to know. There’s no shame here, Amber. I want the world to know about us.”

  Her hands came up to his head stroking her fingers through his hair. She arched her neck as he pulled on the skin feeling the motion of it zinging through her body.

  “Alexei.” His name came from between clenched teeth.

  “Touch me, Baby. I want to feel your hands on me.”

  She ran her hand down his back feeling the hard muscles underneath them. Her nose found its way to the pulse in his throat breathing his scent in deeply. While her fingers traced every line of his back lowering to play with his side. The sexy dip in his hips made her heart pound faster as his fingers and mouth found her breasts.

  “You’re so beautiful, Amber.”

  She tried to chuckle, “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “Only you, baby.”

  His mouth covered her nipple while one hand squeezed her other breast. A hiss of pleasure came from Amber as her hips thrust up in the air. He bit on her nipple gently before releasing it.

  “Again, Alexei.”

  He gave her a devastating grin before lowering his mouth back to her nipple. The pull of his mouth on her made her heated body want to curl up. The tugging on her nipple mesmerized her as the pleasure pulsed deep within her private places.

  “I never knew this could feel so good,” her voice trembled. “I want to taste your nipples also.”

  He raised his head to look at her. His eyes were wide with wonder and desire. She pushed on him causing him to roll over to his back. One long look from head to toe made her lick her lips.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “Males aren’t beautiful, were raw, sexy, masculine…”

  “Or all those things together in one beautiful package.”

  She lowered her head and bit him on his neck causing his hips to thrust up.

  “Mark me, Amber. Let the whole world know I belong to you.”

  “Your mine, Alexei. At least for tonight.”

  She sucked on the skin wanting to let everyone know, that for this moment in time, this sexy, beautiful male belonged to her, belonged with her. They were one. She wanted to always remember this as her heart opened up and he wedged his way in, taking up the space she reserved for the male she one day hoped to call hers.

  Moving slowly, she caressed the column of his throat as she made her way down. She planted kisses over the top of his chest as she allowed her fingers to play with the muscles she found under her lips. She kept moving until she found her goal. She flicked his nipple with her finger and watched it harden.

  “Nice.” Lowering her mouth, she sucked on it. It tasted like a hard piece of candy, sweet with a slightly salty tang. His skin was addictive; she sucked harder as a sweet sound left his mouth.

  Taking her teeth, she nipped at his nipple before switching to the other one.

  “I could eat you up, Alexei.”

  His hands slid down her body until they stopped at the top of her pussy.

  “I want to touch you here.”

  “Touch me, please touch me.”

  She wanted to feel his thick fingers touch her, to know the difference between his fingers and her own. She looked down. Eyes wide in awe as he traced patterns right above her clit, teasing her. So close yet light years away. He drew one finger ever closer until he caressed it over her clit giving her just enough friction to make her teeth clench as she thrust upward trying to get more.

  “More,” her voice sounded ragged to her ears. He had to touch her again.

  He ran his finger on her slit again harder this time making her buck. She reached down and caressed his shaft enjoying the hiss that came from him.

  “I want to be inside of you, Amber, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “That’s good, Alexei. Not sure I feel the same though, if you make me wait too much longer I might hurt you.”

  “Hurt me, Amber. Brand me. I need both pleasure and pain from you.”

  “We’ll figure it out, Alexei. We’ll learn what you need and what your beast needs. Give me your hand.”

  She took the hand he gave her and placed it at her opening. “Do you feel that? I’m so wet for you. I want to feel you take your thick cock and place it inside of me. I need to feel you sliding in, filling me, and stretching me.”


  The look of restrained desire he gave her made her heart thump painfully. He wanted her, but this big bad alien was scared of hurting her and ruining the moment.

  “Alexei, don’t you know I want it all. I too want both the pain and the pleasure of being one with you. Don’t deny me.”

  “I’ll try to go slow.”

  She nodded and opened her legs wider. She wanted to touch him more, memorize his body, but all she could think about right now was having him fill her. She wanted to know what his thrust would feel like. She wanted…

  His thick head was pushing against her pussy lips. She lifted her head and looked down, wanting to watch as the head of his cock disappeared inside of her. Her breath caught in her throat as he lodged the first inch inside her body. He slid a little deeper until her maidenhead stopped him.

  His eyes flew to hers. “Amber?”

  “You’re the first. I freely give myself to you, Alexei Dare. I want this, I’ve wanted it for a long time. Take me.”

  He nodded before kissing her deeply. He pulled out and thrust back tearing through her hymen. He swallowed the groan of pain that came from her as he seated himself deeply within her. Her breaths came in pants as he held himself still waiting for her.

  “You’re so much bigger than I thought, I mean I’ve seen pictures, but wow.” She wiggled her bottom just a little. A small dash of pleasure went through her with a slightly bigger dash of pain.

  She lie still again looking at him. He rested his weight on his arms never laying totally on her. She wiggled again feeling more pleasure as her body grew accustomed to the invasion of his. The pain was barely there so she moved again. A small fissure of pleasure went through her making her breath come out in delighted pants.

  Liking the feel, she moved again this time she thrust against him groaning in pl

  “You’re killing me, Amber.”

  “I hope you’ll die happy.” She thrust again.

  “Move, Alexei please.”

  He moved his hips pulling out and thrusting back in a few inches driving her pleasure higher. Slowly he increased his thrusts, pulling further out and driving back in with deeper powerful thrusts.

  “Harder, Alexei. I feel a curling in my stomach, I need to feel it explode in me.”

  “I need it too, Baby.”

  He pulled all the way out and thrust back in sensing a coiling within himself, a devastation trying to break loose.

  “Alexei!” Amber fell over a cliff, higher than she ever imagined. She was free falling without a chute. The death would be worth it when she hit the ground. Her body was alight as pleasure painted itself in colors that burst into her mind.

  Alexei came with a growl as he howled his pleasure to the world.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Amber was wrapped in Alexei’s arms with the silliest smile on her face. But she was that happy. Her heart was beginning to slow down and the stars in her eyes were receding just enough for her to actually see who was in front of her. He was so worth the wait.

  “How are you feeling?”

  She rubbed her cheek against his chest. “I feel like the cat that caught the canary or is it the canary that caught the worm?”

  A pleasing rumble came from him. “I feel the same way. That was spectacular.”

  “You know they say the second time is even better.”

  “Who says these things, Amber?”

  “Let’s just say girls talk and if you know how to be quiet, your aunts will forget you’re in the room and they talk also.”

  “Aww, now I understand.”

  They lapsed into silence leaving Amber to wonder what the etiquette was for something like this. Should she leave? Pain she didn’t want to think about gripped her at the thought. Should she stay the night and sneak out early in the morning? He did say she could always use a car and it wasn’t like she had a change of clothes at his house. Of course she had to go home. It was just a one-night thing, now only to figure out the right way to do it. Why hadn’t she read some magazine article telling her how to leave your one-night stand? Because she didn’t want him to be a one-night stand, she didn’t want to leave.